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D3s - no liveview



I gave BYN a try today and if I understand correctly, I should be able to get liveview from my D3s with only the USB cable. However when I go to the frame&focus tab, I hear the mirror go up but I'm only getting a black screen. If I take a preview in the imaging tab it displays perfectly. I've tried with several USB cables, tried rebooting my PC, disconnecting & reconnecting the camera but to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas?

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ok, thanks for trying to make it work.  if Nikon says no to your request you might consider renting one for a couple days from "Borrow Lenses" - but I realize that may be asking too much of you.  good luck.



Renting a camera for 1 weekend is $400 :(


I'd rather get one for free from Nikon for 1 full month :)

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 sure hope Nikon comes thru with a free loaner.  BTW, borrow lenses.com rents D3s body for $234 for 7 days.


The issue is that I'm in Canada.  The D810a I got from Nikon USA ended up costing me $250 in custom + $50 for shipping it back.


I'm trying to get a hold of Nikon Canada so I can get my loaners from them instead.

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 sure hope Nikon comes thru with a free loaner.  BTW, borrow lenses.com rents D3s body for $234 for 7 days.


Perhaps you would consider Loaning (and Shipping for Free) your D3s to Guylain for the duration of this Debug Effort...

That would keep Guylain's Support Costs Low, AND ensure that whatever Debugging is Required takes any Unique Settings of YOUR D3s into account...


(Most of us appreciate that Guylain works to keep his Costs LOW so that he can Offer us his BYE and BYN Products and Support at such a Low Price...)

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Perhaps you would consider Loaning (and Shipping for Free) your D3s to Guylain for the duration of this Debug Effort...

That would keep Guylain's Support Costs Low, AND ensure that whatever Debugging is Required takes any Unique Settings of YOUR D3s into account...


(Most of us appreciate that Guylain works to keep his Costs LOW so that he can Offer us his BYE and BYN Products and Support at such a Low Price...)


I never ask for this myself... but I did have 3 users in the past send me their camera for testing for a week or 2 at most.  It is a huge help but I won't ever ask for it... offer and I may accept, but ask I will not.



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Try LiveView during the day with a lens, instead of at night when connected to a scope. LiveView frames are very short exposures and even the brightest stars are small and dim.  If your Nikon is like my Canon you can control the brightness of the LiveView frames to some extent by boosting the ISO and setting the exposure to something around 2 seconds.  These parameters brighten the LiveView screen to its maximum. This makes the small stars easier to see.  There may also be a "Maximum Sensitivity" setting on the Settings screen that does that for you.


Once you have the display brightened as much as you can, aim the scope at Arcturus or Vega (or some other very bright star).

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It looks like you have a camera setting that disables the live view.  The D3s does support live view and was tested by a few uses in the past.  If I were you i'd go through all camera setting to see if one does disable live view... maybe your ISO is set to 100 and you Aperture (if you have a lens) to a high f stop.  Just guessing here.


Keep us posted.

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Thanks for the replies. This was during the day, testing new software at night is not the best idea. There are no settings in the D3s that disable liveview that I'm aware of. I installed a trial version of camera control pro and it has no difficulty showing the liveview so we can rule out any camera setting / USB cable issues.

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This is odd, your log files are filled with...


2015-06-29 19:49:53,506 [Main] ERROR - FrameFocusMode.<CameraLiveviewImageOnMessageRecieved>b__6
2015-06-29 19:49:53,560 [Main] ERROR - Parameter is not valid.
2015-06-29 19:49:53,560 [Main] ERROR -    at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream)
   at BinaryRivers.BackyardEOS.Modes.FrameFocusMode.<>c__DisplayClass7.<CameraLiveviewImageOnMessageRecieved>b__6()



...which means the data stream returned by your camera is not an image... or is missing a few bytes in order to reconstruct the image :(


I'm a little bit confused :(


Go in planetary and start a recording.  I know this is odd but I want to know if the AVI will contain images.  You probably will not see the live view images in planetary either... but I'm more interested to know if the AVI is fine.  If yes I think and can hack it to make it work.


Keep me posted,

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Well, things have just gotten more confusing... Or then again, maybe not. I was unable to start a recording, clicking the button simply didn't do anything while making a recording the normal way works perfectly. I also tried it on another computer with a different cable and got the same result. So it's either a conflict between BYN and my particular camera, or some setting neither of us has thought of yet. So far I've tried the following settings: live view mode (handheld/tripod), movie resolution, video mode (PAL/NTSC), HDMI resolution, flicker reduction frequency and synchronizing date & time with my PC, all to no avail. Not sure what else I can try.

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Liveview works normally on the camera screen and Nikon's own camera control pro was able to display the liveview on the PC. I therefore think we can rule camera malfunction. I'm not aware of any setting capable of disabling liveview, let alone having enabled that setting.By all accounts it should work... :huh:

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Well, things have just gotten more confusing... Or then again, maybe not. I was unable to start a recording, clicking the button simply didn't do anything while making a recording the normal way works perfectly. I also tried it on another computer with a different cable and got the same result. So it's either a conflict between BYN and my particular camera, or some setting neither of us has thought of yet. So far I've tried the following settings: live view mode (handheld/tripod), movie resolution, video mode (PAL/NTSC), HDMI resolution, flicker reduction frequency and synchronizing date & time with my PC, all to no avail. Not sure what else I can try.


Do you mean you were not able to start a planetary recording in BYE?



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Ummm... interesting... I may have a solution but it may slow live view by a few fps... but mostly should be transparent.


Let me try something and if I find something the fix will be in 3.1.4 which I'm hoping to release towards then end of July 2015.


I'll keep you guys posted.

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I have a D3s and have the same problem of a black screen when trying to use liveview (daytime using a usb cable only - BYN set to usb). Click snap picture and get an image on screen but hit liveview and everything goes black.


This is strange because when I tried the same camera at night on the scope I got a white screen (through Shoestring DSUSB - BYN set to DSUSB)!

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I noticed this on my setup today as I am having issues with CDC (basically I havnt a clue what I,m doing lol). I set everything up the mount the scope BYN CDC and went into frame and focus and all i can see is a black screen even though its the middle of the day, I tried a 2 secound exposure and ended up with a white sub as I expected, but im surprised I got a black screen, the scope/camera is pointing to some distant mountains so I would have thought I would have seen something even if its just a blur. I dont know maybe im missing something cup of tea then go back to it. PS im using d7200

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Since this does not have anything to do with this thread you should probably have started a new one.


Has this ever worked for you with BYN and your D7200?


Do you hear the mirror flip up when you go into the Frame & Focus screen? Are you sure that LiveView is not paused?


If you disconnect your camera from the PC, does LiveView work on the camera's LCD screen?


Sorry to belabor the obvious, but have you forgotten to remove the cover from the end of the scope? (something I have forgotten to do more than once)

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I will be going through it again now, yes probably should have started a new thread but I just thought seeing as its the same subject just a different model, I do apologise. The first thing I checked was the cover was off, the mirror does flip up yes, I know it worked the other night because I centered a star using BYN , Possibly the ISO, Also I seem to remember a few settings needed to be applied (cant remember what they were ATM) so could possibly be that. I do know though that its me most prob so will have another look now and update you

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One quick update  lol, just went to it and disconnected the lead to the camera to start from scratch. Switched camera on and switched to liveview, NOTHING!!!! panic staions thinking somethings wrong with my camera, then I realised I have no memory card in there so tried that, still no difference. And thats when I saw it, the video camera slider, I must have changed the slider to video by accident the other night while fumbling about in the dark. Soon as I switched it back I could see the preview. Sorry to trouble you guys

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using the free trial version 1.0.2, I attached my d3s to my laptop using Nikon's D3s usb cord.  I can get the camera connected to BYN ok.   if I push the shutter button on the camera itself, BYN takes a photo and displays it without problem.  click on BYN's Imaging button and nothing happens when I click on the capture button in lower right corner.  click on frame and focus button and I hear my mirror go up but the BYN screen stays black.  the live view button in bottom right makes the mirror go up and down but no image is displayed.


is BYN making any progress in resolving the problems associated with the D3s?? 

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The D3s appears to be a black box model sadly :(


I will call Nikon and see if I can get a D3s on consignment and see what I can do with this model.  However, I may have to pull it out if I can't resolve these basic functionality issues.



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