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BYD EOS freezing during license validation



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21 answers to this question

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Please tell us what your BYE version is...This is important and it is amazing how may new users fail to tell the community what their version and camera is when posting.

So, you have had BYE running on XP but when migrating to Windows 7, it will not validate.

Did you upgrade to the latest version of BYE? The validation server was changed a few months ago and if you are using an older version, you may be trying to validate against the older server. Just upgrade to the latest.


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sorry, i have BYE 3.1 Premium since january 2016 running under XP. On the same laptop but trying a different drive under win7, i just installed last version of BYE

and problem occurred. Just before, i ran the older version under XP and get a validation request for the 1rst time since i use the soft , and everything went fine.

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There are 17 releases of BYE 3.1. They are numbered from 3.1.0 to 3.1.16. Which one are you trying to validate? Please give the version number, since "the last version" will not mean anything to a person who reads your post a year from now.

When you run BYE 3.1.16 (the latest release as of 11/18/2017) on Windows 7, is the PC configured to access the Internet? What error are you seeing?

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No error, only validation window freeze after validate.  I have to kill  "BinaryRivers.BackyardEOS.Start" process to get out. And of course, i am online. Could it be the way i entered the key (copy-paste)?

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I'm wondering if your anti-virus is preventing the validation to take place.

Disconnect your computer from the Internet and try to validate... then connect your computer back to the Internet.  Let me know if this works.  If it does it means you have a firewall or anti-virus settings that is preventing the on-line validation.

Keep us posted,

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I already tried that. Even stop windows defender. No antivirus yet, since i am just looking if all my setup is ok under win7.

Well, no internet connection, no firewall neither antivirus, and as soon i hit validate button, it's freezing...

I then entered a minuscule rather than a majuscule on my username and get instantly an error message. If this could help...


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When validating your license, the username field in the validation dialog is case sensitive. This is specified in the field label.

I am not sure, but BYE may need an internet connect only to validate the purchased license. Once the license has been validated, no internet connection is required.

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2 hours ago, Eman said:


I already tried that. Even stop windows defender. No antivirus yet, since i am just looking if all my setup is ok under win7.

Well, no internet connection, no firewall neither antivirus, and as soon i hit validate button, it's freezing...

I then entered a minuscule rather than a majuscule on my username and get instantly an error message. If this could help...


Send me the logfile.



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Most likely, there is an Access Privilege Error on either one of the Directories or Files used to Install and Validate BYE.

Else, it could be that your .NET installation is somehow Corrupt (although by the Validation point in the execution of BYE, one would think the .NET libraries would already be successfully accessed).

In either case, you may wish to Uninstall BYE from your Win7 Partition (using Control Panel), and then Re-Install completely from Scratch.

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I got the log file and I see not error stack trace.  

2 hours ago, astroman133 said:

When validating your license, the username field in the validation dialog is case sensitive. This is specified in the field label.

I am not sure, but BYE may need an internet connect only to validate the purchased license. Once the license has been validated, no internet connection is required.

Since this is a purchase key I will validate locally without Internet.  It will try to call home but purchase keys will still validate locally.

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1 hour ago, Eman said:

Ok, it's done. Say only validation error.  I just install it on a laptop under win8.1, validate and run with success.....

It seems my seven is in cause but where? Everything else works fine.

Disconnect the W7 computer from the Internet, try again.  Not sure if you did that already.

If it still does not validate I can do a remote login and troubleshoot the issue for you.

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il y a une heure, admin a dit :

Disconnect the W7 computer from the Internet, try again.  Not sure if you did that already.

Yes, i did it the way you said.


il y a une heure, admin a dit :

If it still does not validate I can do a remote login and troubleshoot the issue for you.

Please, do so. Do i have to dl something like teamviewer?

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Sadly nothing came out from what you did, still the same problem. I guess in this case my 7 is the cause. I will do a reinstall when i get home and let you know.

Thanks again to you and the others for your concern


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