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15 answers to this question

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It is great to have arrived!  Thank you for what promises to be a better support forum than Yahoo :D


My astro nights have been somewhat limited lately, so I'm also looking forward to getting inspired by the efforts of others.


When I recently moved up to version 3, I was intrigued by the Premium option...  So I'm also looking to see whether users are finding it advantageous, TBH BYE seems to have everything I need.

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Any kind of forum is better then the Yahoo groups which are ancient...it's basically a web version of newsgroups and doesn't work very good today and isn't user friendly at all.

I think this is a very nice forum and great interface and user friendly.

Added possibility of pictures in threads and searching is a big advantage for users.


This is a great upgrade for BackyardEOS support and one of the best looking forums...if only Cloudynights had upgraded to something like this :rolleyes:

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Very nice, Guylain.  I like the daily digest feature.


Thanks.  It's important to note as well that you can subscribe to each forum individually... or... to specific topics, you choose.



A nice feature since I don't have a Nikon and don't speak French. Keeps the e-mail clutter down to a minimum.
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Howdy all,


I am Mitch, (fmhill), located about halfway out Cape Cod on the southeast corner of the New England coast.


In spite of this being possibly one of the lousiest locations for imaging, being in the zone between the Labrador current filling Cape Cod Bay to the north with cold water, and Nantucket sound filled with warm Gulfstream water, I deal with very high humidity and lots of fog...


Presently I operate with a Canon 60Da using BYEOS. However I am a lifelong Nikon camera fanatic, I presently have several Nikon D300s so I anxiously await the development of backyardNIKON...


One of my plans for the not-too-distant future, now that I am fully retired, I hope to be leaving Cape Cod, get out of New England and away from the New England winters. I have family in the Fort Myers Florida area and am considering relocating somewhere inland of Fort Myers possibly...


In the meanwhile, until I can orchestrate the sale of my house and move, I plan to keep imaging the northeast quadrant of sky viewable to me here on Cape Cod.


Clear skies and good imaging to y'all,

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Howdy all,


I am Mitch, (fmhill), located about halfway out Cape Cod on the southeast corner of the New England coast.


In spite of this being possibly one of the lousiest locations for imaging, being in the zone between the Labrador current filling Cape Cod Bay to the north with cold water, and Nantucket sound filled with warm Gulfstream water, I deal with very high humidity and lots of fog...


Hi Mitch. Glad to hear that you are considering moving to a place with some sky. Does Shadow approve? 


I'll email you soon to catch you up on my shenanigans while you were hunkered down for the Cape Cod winter (has it ended yet?).



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Howdy all,


I am Mitch, (fmhill), located about halfway out Cape Cod on the southeast corner of the New England coast.


In spite of this being possibly one of the lousiest locations for imaging, being in the zone between the Labrador current filling Cape Cod Bay to the north with cold water, and Nantucket sound filled with warm Gulfstream water, I deal with very high humidity and lots of fog...


Presently I operate with a Canon 60Da using BYEOS. However I am a lifelong Nikon camera fanatic, I presently have several Nikon D300s so I anxiously await the development of backyardNIKON...


One of my plans for the not-too-distant future, now that I am fully retired, I hope to be leaving Cape Cod, get out of New England and away from the New England winters. I have family in the Fort Myers Florida area and am considering relocating somewhere inland of Fort Myers possibly...


In the meanwhile, until I can orchestrate the sale of my house and move, I plan to keep imaging the northeast quadrant of sky viewable to me here on Cape Cod.


Clear skies and good imaging to y'all,


Hi Mitch,


Of course you probably know that you will not be leaving humidity behind if you move to Florida. Having attended the Winter Star Party in 2012 and 2013, the two biggest issues were wind and humidity.


I left Northeast Ohio (another spot where astronomy is a challenge) last fall to move to Arizona.  Better skies, better horizons and lower humidity.  I'm happy!


Take care and welcome,



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Better Skies, Better Humidity, Better Winters...

Wait until you have Imager Cooling problems because Ambient is still 100*F at 10PM (later May thru mid July).  This will be somewhat relieved when the Monsoons roll in (mid July thru mid Sep), with nearly daily Afternoon Thunderstorms and moderately high Humidity (not Gulf Coast Humidity, but...) and frequent Cloud Cover.

Otherwise, it's GREAT for Oct thru April !!



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