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Backyard EOS will not image with 6D Mark II



I down loaded Backyard EOS a couple of days ago (trial version). Backyard EOS will connect with my 6D Mark II camera. I can focus the camera from my laptop. When I go to image I can change shutter speed etc. but when I try to image the program does not take a picture and the system eventually times out. Does anyone have a suggestion?

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8 answers to this question

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Do you have a lens connected?  If yes is it set to auto focus?  Set it to manual focus and try again.

The 6D Mk II has a B dial mode for BULB so you need to make sure your camera dial is set to B and not M to take bulb images with that model.

Keep us posted.

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Small progress. I do have a lens attached. I did have my lens set to AF Thanks for that suggestion . I have been experimenting with settings and I can take images under certain conditions.

Camera settings :  AF on the lens=off, dial=M for manual.

The camera connects with BackyardEOS fine. I select Imaging, Frame Type=Light, Cable support=Camera USB, Save To=Camera, Mirror lock=0, Delay=0, Set exposures to 1, BULB, (it works the same if not in BULB) F/4.5, duration=1, ISO=1600, Pause=0.

When I press Start Capture button once the mirror flips up. The second time I press Start Capture a picture is taken and the mirror flops down. I can repeat this as many times as I want with the same results. (if the Save To is set to PC and I press Start Capture the mirror flips up and the system justs hangs with no pictures taken.) (the rotating dial in the upper right hand corner says Busy 1 and it keeps rotating)

If I change the Exposures to 2, the mirror filps up I get one exposure and the mirror flops down. I can repeat this many times.

If I change the Exposures to 4, the mirror flips up, I get one exposure the mirror flops down and the system hangs (the rotating dial in the upper right hand corner says Busy 1 and it keeps rotating).

Any more ideas?



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17 hours ago, astroman133 said:

Sorry, but I'm not sure that LENR could cause one image to be stored when the exposure count is set to 2.


Because he said "When I press Start Capture button once the mirror flips up. The second time I press Start Capture a picture is taken and the mirror flops down".  The way LENR works in the SDK is that it requires 2 start picture command to be issued with a pause of about .5 second in between.  The fact that on the second capture the mirror flops down could be caused by LENR if it was on and BYE does know about it.

Just a hunch.

EDIT:  Your correct, I mixed up MLU and LENR in my reply.  s3igell's post below made me realize this.

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