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D-90/D-7000 not connecting----



I  downloaded the beta version to my laptop and my desk pc and easily connected both Nikons and was able to see the live view and focus etc.  Then while using the d-90 in The OBS 2 nights ago, after it had been connected, the next time I tried to connect, it would not.  I assumed this was because the battery was down to 50%.  But now that I have both batteries fully charged, neither camera will connect.  I removed the entire program and downloaded the beta 02 version again  and it said that I have 9 days left.  But neither camera will connect. It is set on Manual and  I have a blank SD card, fully charged batteries, camera connected directly to the Laptop and get a musical tone on the laptop when I turn the cameras on.  It says that the Nikon drivers were initialized.  I have no idea whey it will not work now when it worked just fine before!!!!    thanks Doc

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The issue with the SD card is not BYN, per se.  It is related to the Nikon SDK performing some initialization with regard to (apparently) cataloging the images on the SD card.  The more images on the SD card, the longer it takes.  Your solution of installing an empty card is a good one.

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It looks like the .net framework 3.5 has worked, I can now connect to my D-90 and the D-7000.  I am running Windows 8 on my laptop and the v3.5 file was there when I bought it last year, but I think it needed to be activated.   anyway--YAHOO it works------

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I  downloaded the beta version to my laptop and my desk pc and easily connected both Nikons and was able to see the live view and focus etc.  Then while using the d-90 in The OBS 2 nights ago, after it had been connected, the next time I tried to connect, it would not.  I assumed this was because the battery was down to 50%.  But now that I have both batteries fully charged, neither camera will connect.  I removed the entire program and downloaded the beta 02 version again  and it said that I have 9 days left.  But neither camera will connect. It is set on Manual and  I have a blank SD card, fully charged batteries, camera connected directly to the Laptop and get a musical tone on the laptop when I turn the cameras on.  It says that the Nikon drivers were initialized.  I have no idea whey it will not work now when it worked just fine before!!!!    thanks Doc


Reboot and try again <_>



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Reboot and try again <_<


OK, I rebooted the laptop and it still will not conect--it is running windows 8.  I downloaded the software to my desktop and it connects the camera with no problem------They are both hooked up identically---Doc        I just went to the laptop and removed the software from programs and features and on the C drive at x-86 and did a clean install.   At first Norton utilities tells me that it is unsafe and will not allow the install until I over ride that and then the install completes----It still does not connect<_<

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Reboot and try again <_>


OK, I rebooted the laptop and it still will not conect--it is running windows 8.  I downloaded the software to my desktop and it connects the camera with no problem------They are both hooked up identically---Doc


Crap <_>


Read this post on my disappointment <_ i not sure what be doing... but can and will release like that. stumped at this time>





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I disabled the Norton firewall when I downloaded the software, maybe I need to disable it completely!----------but on the other hand the desktop also is running Norton without probloem.    Doc    It sure is fun to play with it on the desktop however!!!           one of the difficulties that I ran into is that the camera settings like iso and exposure need to be reset every time I change from frame and focus to imaging.   It would be nice if they would stay the same and not have to be reset each time.  ----any ideas on why it will not work on my laptop?  (my OBS computer btw)------Doc

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I just copied the downloaded file from my desktop and loaded it on the laptop after disabling all of Norton and removing all the previous byn software from the laptop and it still would not connect------[confused]

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I just copied the downloaded file from my desktop and loaded it on the laptop after disabling all of Norton and removing all the previous byn software from the laptop and it still would not connect------[confused]


Try running it as Vista SP2 compatibility mode.



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I tried Vista Sp-2, Windows 7 and Windows XP sP3 with no luck.  My desktop is Win 7 where it works just fine----but not on the laptop.  Every time that I hit the connect button, it waits for around 7 seconds and then the "connection problems? window appears and makes a buzzing sound like a bug getting zapped in an outdoor bug light------Doc

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I tried Vista Sp-2, Windows 7 and Windows XP sP3 with no luck.  My desktop is Win 7 where it works just fine----but not on the laptop.  Every time that I hit the connect button, it waits for around 7 seconds and then the "connection problems? window appears and makes a buzzing sound like a bug getting zapped in an outdoor bug light------Doc


So it works one computer and not the other?  Same camera, same cable?



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I tried Vista Sp-2, Windows 7 and Windows XP sP3 with no luck.  My desktop is Win 7 where it works just fine----but not on the laptop.  Every time that I hit the connect button, it waits for around 7 seconds and then the "connection problems? window appears and makes a buzzing sound like a bug getting zapped in an outdoor bug light------Doc


So it works one computer and not the other?  Same camera, same cable?




Well, this is good news... you are the fist one confirming that it works on one computer but not the other.  It gives me something to look at... there must be something on the computer side, driver perhaps.


What is the OS for both computer, anti-virus?


Did you try disabling your anti-virus completely (not just firewall) on your laptop where it does not work?



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Hey DrBuck, have you tried removing your SD card?

I have found that removing it and having BYN save directly to the computer, will eliminate all connection issues. 


I will try that!!!    and to answer Guylains question,  The Laptop is Windows 8,  the desktop is windows 7 and yes I totally disabled the Norton Anti-virus and firewall---Doc

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I downloaded Nikon View NX-2 which I assume has the correct driver but still no joy.  I then Downloaded Digicam camera control software and it connected to my D-90 immediately.  I then re-opened BYN and tried it again-------still NO JOY------I have no idea what to do next------Doc

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What is the OS for both computer, anti-virus?


Did you try disabling your anti-virus completely (not just firewall) on your laptop where it does not work?

DigiCam uses PTP protocol to communicate with the camera, I use the Nikon SDK.  I may very try the PTP protocol myself because I can not release BYN like that... it does not meet my quality standard by a long shot.  But re-writing against the PTP protocol will set me back several months... but I may have to do it nonetheless. <_>



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Hey DrBuck... It may seems like no progress but It is from my end.


I find it interesting that it works on 1 PC and not the other one... so I decided to run a few tests on my old XP... and -SOME- Nikon SDK files are not loading on my XP computer and there my D7000 will not connect... but it connects fine on my W8 as all the SDK loads on that computer.... that is on the same computer dual boot.  W8 = OK and XP = NO.


Can you please let me know the OS you are using and please send me the log files on the computer that does not work, I want to confirm the same thing, or not.


Thank you for testing this BTW, I really want to get to the bottom of this darn connection issue... at the very least I want to know what is the cause.





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As I stated before, the Laptop is Windows 8------Not XP  how do I send the log files?  Digicam is working perfectly------


Digicam does NOT use the Nikon SDK, it uses PTP protocol.


Log files are in "My Pictures\BackyardTEMP\logs".


Send them to support@binaryrivers.com.





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The PtP protocols seem to be working nicely------


I know, I wish I had started with that <_>


I almost did, but back then I thought the Nikon SDK would offer more support and be more robust... I'm now eating my words... at least until I can get beyond this connection issue.


Thank you for your help, I really appreciate you sticking in there with me.





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Well, I certainly hope that you find a fix for this connection problem!!   I went out last night and used Digicam and live view on a bright star for focus, but when I went to the Eagle Nebula, nothing showed up on the live view at all.  ----Is that a software problem or the live view problem?  Would BYN be better at that with a D-90?    It is really wonderful to be able to focus thru live view on the laptop. I am thinking about the 6D to go with your BYE--------Doc

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Well, I certainly hope that you find a fix for this connection problem!!   I went out last night and used Digicam and live view on a bright star for focus, but when I went to the Eagle Nebula, nothing showed up on the live view at all.  ----Is that a software problem or the live view problem?  Would BYN be better at that with a D-90?    It is really wonderful to be able to focus thru live view on the laptop. I am thinking about the 6D to go with your BYE--------Doc


Liveview -brightness- has noting to do with software... it is just a few milliseconds of data and only the bright stars will show up usually.  BYN won't be any different.  In these cases you need to focus taking short exposures.


BTW, I did not get the log files, there were no attachment <_>



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Not all Canon cameras have an Exposure Simulation setting..Neither my XS or T5i do. On both of those models, exposure simulation in LiveView is active when the exposure duration is set any Tv exposure.  I do not know how Nikon cameras behave.


Now to address the OP's issue.  As has been said, only the brightest stars will show in the Live View display (either in BYN or on the LCD display).  That is because LiveView frames are taken at several frames per second. However, that should be enough.  If you are in focus on a bright star then you will be in focus for dim objects, since they are all effectively at the same infinite distance from the camera.  You will need to take short "Snap" exposures and adjust the mount position and camera rotation between them to achieve your desired framing. The duration of the snaps would be determined by your equipment (telescope aperture and focal length) and your camera settings, such as ISO.  I would start with 15 second exposures and increase until enough detail is visible to support adjusting the framing.  You do not need to be guiding since these images are only intended to facilitate framing and will not be keepers.  They only need to be bright enough to allow you to frame the target.


Since I don't have a Nikon camera, I will assume that BYN has the same features as BYE.  If so, you should be able to use the Star HD controls to enhance the LiveView display to make the stars more easily viewable.  This will help you to "see" stars in the LiveView display, but I would turn off Star HD when focusing.

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About LiveView on dim objects, would it be possible to set-up a simple stacking for x frames and getting like that even nebulaes shapes visible.

If a good SDK is used, it could be also possible to make automatically a dark before this stacking.


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Hi DrBuck.


I think, fingers crossed, that I may have found the 'Not Connecting' issue.


Can you please install the .NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 on your computer and try again.  I looks like a handful (not all) Nikon SDK modules requires it.




PLEASE, KEEP ME POSTED... I really want to put that connection issue to rest.


If installing .net 3.5 works I will force its installation during the BackyardNIKON install procedure.


I've been doing extensive tests in the past 2 days and installing .net 3.5 make everything work in all of my tests.





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I noticed something.  Windows 8.1 shows the D5100 as a PTP device.  I too have tried just about everything.  My D5100 still won't connect.  When it tries the program completely locks up.  This might all be a Win8/64bit issue.

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