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5x button



Still fairly new with BYEOS and trying new things.  What does the 5x button do in Frame-&-Focus?  When I click it there is about a 15 second pause before I can do anything again and I don't see any change in the live view.  Does that do something different than just scroll wheel zooming?

BYEOS version is 3.1.11

Canon T6s.


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Thanks for jogging my memory about the 5X zoom issue that was first reported back in May.

The following was from that original thread:

... there are three AF modes during Live View - Face+Tracking, Flexizone-Multi, and Flexizone-Single.   Zoom is not available in Face+Tracking and I think it's the default mode.  Once I switched to FZ-Multi, zooming worked. 

Hopefully, this will help Tom.

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6 hours ago, astroman133 said:

... there are three AF modes during Live View - Face+Tracking, Flexizone-Multi, and Flexizone-Single.   Zoom is not available in Face+Tracking and I think it's the default mode.  Once I switched to FZ-Multi, zooming worked. 

That's it!  If I select either mode other than Face+Tracking, then 5X works in BYEOS.

It's interesting though that when not using BYEOS and trying 5X directly on the camera, 5X does work with Face+Tracking mode selected.  PROVIDED that the attached Canon lens has manual focus selected.


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Hi Tom,

Thank you for the log file.  I see this error when activating 5x and as a result 5x is not activated.  I have no clue why.


2017-07-10 21:08:16,336 [Main] DEBUG - BUSY try #1
2017-07-10 21:08:16,695 [Main] DEBUG - BUSY try #2
2017-07-10 21:08:17,054 [Main] DEBUG - BUSY try #3
2017-07-10 21:07:35,366 [Main] DEBUG - ERROR EDS_ERR_DEVICE_BUSY : EDSDK.EdsSetPropertyData(cameraRef, LiveviewZoom(1287), 0, size(4), 5) 
2017-07-10 21:07:35,366 [Main] DEBUG -    at BinaryRivers.Common.ProviderInterfaces.Camera.CameraControllerBase.RunAndThrow(Func`1 function, String info)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.PropertyBaseUint.UploadPropertyValueToCamera(UInt32 propertyid, Int32 param, UInt32 value)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.PropertyEvfZoom.set_Value(String value)
   at BinaryRivers.Common.Model.CameraModelBase.<>c__DisplayClass103_0.<PropertySet>b__0(IProperty x)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
   at BinaryRivers.Common.Model.CameraModelBase.PropertySet(CameraPropertyEnum property, String value, Boolean force)
   at BinaryRivers.Common.Model.CameraModelCanonBase.set_PropertyZoomEvf(String value)
2017-07-10 21:07:35,382 [Main] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(CameraRef, LiveviewZoom(1287), 0, size(4), intPtr)


Is there anyone else out there not able to enable 5x live view using a T6s?


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Okay, humor me for a second.  I know that on specific models 5x can only be activated after live view has been streaming for a few seconds.

Go into live view and let the live view stream for at least 5 seconds.... then press 5x only once.  Does it work?


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To answer your previous question.

The mousewheel zooms the image that BYE is currently displaying without affecting the underlying data.

The 5X zoom button tells the camera to download only the selected portion of the full image. The pixel dimensions of the selected portion are sized to fit on the camera's LCD display.

Big difference.

The blanket recommendation is to use 5X zoom for planetary work because it displays only part of the image at the full resolution of the sensor. In that sense, the 5X zoom is mis-named. It is not a zoom but a crop.

You can also use the 5X zoom along with the FWHM or HFD focus metric to help focusing on a bright star.

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12 hours ago, admin said:

Okay, humor me for a second.  I know that on specific models 5x can only be activated after live view has been streaming for a few seconds.

Go into live view and let the live view stream for at least 5 seconds.... then press 5x only once.  Does it work?


No problem, I'll try anything.  Tried it again, viewing the live stream for more than 5 seconds before pressing the 5X button.  Didn't help.  Still 15 second pause and no change in the live view.

Does this have any significance?  When i do the zoom manually from the camera, when I press the zoom button, it doesn't immediately zoom.  It instead gives me a box that I can position first before the next press of the button does the 5x zoom.


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My T5i behaves the same way when zooming with the camera buttons, but has no problem going to 5X zoom mode in BYE.

It seems that it will take input from other T6s users to confirm or deny whether your issue is model-related or is an issue with your camera.

Guylain probably knows from looking at the submitted log file, but you are using the Canon SDK/driver not Canon215 or Canon210, correct?

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