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EOS 6D Long Exposure Noise Reduction (LENR)



I have the EOS 6D and BackyardEOS v3. The 6D allows you to shoot three light frames in a row with LENR (Long Exposure Noise Reduction) turned on, then it will take a single dark frame (i.e. record its internal dark with the shutter closed) and subtracts it from the three previous exposures. Then it starts the process again, so you can use LENR but not spend half your exposure time on darks.


So far I haven't been able to get BackyardEOS to use this feature. Is there a way to do it??


This works fine with my intervalometer remote. After each exposure, the camera begins a dark, but then the next shutter actuation interrupts that and starts a new exposure, until the dark is forced after three lights. I'd love to do this with BYEOS.



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My understanding of LENR is that it applies the noise reduction (integrates its own "dark") to a single image with an exposure longer than 1 sec.  According to my 6D manual , it doesn't take a series of three images.  Regardless, couldn't you just build in a "Pause" in the Capture Plan equivalent to the shutter setting.  Wouldn't this insert a delay between shots?



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My understanding of LENR is that it applies the noise reduction (integrates its own "dark") to a single image with an exposure longer than 1 sec.  According to my 6D manual , it doesn't take a series of three images.  Regardless, couldn't you just build in a "Pause" in the Capture Plan equivalent to the shutter setting.  Wouldn't this insert a delay between shots?




Hi Jack,


This is a 6D feature indeed.  The 5D Mk II also has that feature if my memory serves me right.


The reason why this is not currently supported in BYE is because BYE wait for the image to download before proceeding to the next image.  This special feature would need special care in BYE so it can send the next take picture command before the previous download is done.  The thing gets complicated because BYE is always aware of the current image in the session plan... now it would need to keep track of the previous 3 for renaming purposes and other stuff it does.

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My understanding of LENR is that it applies the noise reduction (integrates its own "dark") to a single image with an exposure longer than 1 sec.  According to my 6D manual , it doesn't take a series of three images.  Regardless, couldn't you just build in a "Pause" in the Capture Plan equivalent to the shutter setting.  Wouldn't this insert a delay between shots?

This feature is poorly documented. As far as I can tell, it takes advantage of the camera's memory buffer. When a long exposure is over, the camera starts its "dark frame" with the shutter closed. But you can still interrupt this with another long exposure, and then another. After the third, the camera won't allow another shot until it's completed the dark frame.


At that point, it subtracts the dark from the three exposures, held in memory, and then downloads all three to the memory card (and/or tethered computer). You can then start shooting again.


I'd imagine the limit of three is governed by the size of the buffer. My understanding is that the 5D Mark Whatever has this feature and can shoot more frames in a row before the dark (I've seen claims of five; and the 5D has a larger buffer).


This works fine with Canon's Remote Timer, with one minor glitch: It still attempts to take the fourth shot (continuously sends a depress shutter button signal). Because I have generally set a delay of a few seconds between shots, the shutter is still "depressed" when the dark (which starts with no delay) finishes. As soon as the dark completes, the shutter is still depressed by the timer. Thus the camera immediately takes another shot until the shutter is released by the timer. So for a five second delay, you end up with image #4 being about five seconds long; then the programmed five second delay; then the next long exposure begins. You end up with 3 long + 1 short (throwaway), and then it repeats that pattern.


That works fine for me, except I don't get the advantages of BackyardEOS control. I just manually delete every fourth shot.



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Hi, I'm new to this forum, and have used BYE successfully with my 60DA.  Recently I tried to use a 6D setting the camera to bulb, Raw+JPeg,  Auto ISO, manual focus, connecting the camera to computer with the same USB used with the 60DA.  I have BYE + version 3.  Selecting camera with Digic 4 or 5 option, the laptop would not recognize the 6D, and I went back to using the 60DA.  ? advice on settings for the 6D.


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This post should go into its own thread since it doesn't relate to LENR.


Did you try to use the short USB cable that came with the 6D?


What is the exact version of BYE that you have?  It is possible that the version of the Canon SDK that is bundled with your version of BYE does not support the 6D.  I would suggest going to the oldest message in the pinned topic for BYE 3.1 Release Candidate 5 and installing it along side of your existing version.  See if that works for you.



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Are you still using BYE 2.0.x?


You need version 3.0.3.


Upgrade is free :)



Hi Guylain,

I'm using V3.0.3 deluxe.  Initially I set the camera to Bulb, on the mode dial.  I noticed in the manual(helps to read these things) to initially set the camera to Manual.  I also hadn't installed the EOS utility.  I wonder if that's why I had trouble with the 6D and not the 60Da.


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This post should go into its own thread since it doesn't relate to LENR.


Did you try to use the short USB cable that came with the 6D?


What is the exact version of BYE that you have?  It is possible that the version of the Canon SDK that is bundled with your version of BYE does not support the 6D.  I would suggest going to the oldest message in the pinned topic for BYE 3.1 Release Candidate 5 and installing it along side of your existing version.  See if that works for you.


Hi Rick,

I'm using 3.0.3 Deluxe.  Thanks for the advice.  Also after loading the manual I think I need to install the EOS utilities and set the camera to Manual instead of Bulb.  The cable worked with a 60Da, so hopefully would also work with the 6D. 


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This post should go into its own thread since it doesn't relate to LENR.


Did you try to use the short USB cable that came with the 6D?


What is the exact version of BYE that you have?  It is possible that the version of the Canon SDK that is bundled with your version of BYE does not support the 6D.  I would suggest going to the oldest message in the pinned topic for BYE 3.1 Release Candidate 5 and installing it along side of your existing version.  See if that works for you.


Hi Rick,

I'm using 3.0.3 Deluxe.  Thanks for the advice.  Also after loading the manual I think I need to install the EOS utilities and set the camera to Manual instead of Bulb.  The cable worked with a 60Da, so hopefully would also work with the 6D. 



With the 6D you only need the camera supplied USB cable... and it does not matter if you set dial to M or not, BYE can change it on high-end models.


You also do not need to pre-install EOS Utility.  Have you tried BYE 3.1 currently in final stage of release candidate testing before production release.



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That sounds like an interesting Feature. Have you compared the results to the Uncalibrated Original Images?? Or to the results of discrete Darks Calibrated via DSS or PI??

The 6D is a higher-end Camera than most BYE Users opt for, so it is reasonable that there are Camera Features that wouldn't initially be supported by BYE.

And you'll be missing out on many other BYE Features, if you decide to hold-out for lack of support for this one unique 6D Feature.

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That sounds like an interesting Feature. Have you compared the results to the Uncalibrated Original Images?? Or to the results of discrete Darks Calibrated via DSS or PI??

I am just getting started in astrophotography, but I did do some tests of LENR with the 6D that I posted at CloudyNights: http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=DSLR&Number=6512481&fpart=&PHPSESSID=


From what I've read, it's common to disable LENR and shoot separate darks; but others have used LENR with success, and I've decided that's the route I will try initially. I don't want to waste a lot of clear sky time. But the 6D scheme with its 3:1 lights:Dark capture only takes a third more time for the in-camera darks.


I am impressed with BYEOS, but I wish it supported this feature. Hopefully it will down the road.



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