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EOS 5D Mark IV Issue



Today (18 Sep 2016) I downloaded BYE 3.1.8 and tried using it with an EOS 5D Mark IV. BYE saw the camera but would not connect to it. That is, the log file (below) displayed some of the camera metadata but the "DISCONNECTED" message did not change to "Connected". I used the DIGIC 5/6 driver for cameras made after 2014, however, the Mark IV specs state that it uses "DIGIC 6+", so this is the likely reason for the failure to fully connect. Just thought you'ld like to know. I'll check the BYE website from time-to-time for information regarding support for the 5D Mark IV.


Not surprisingly, Canon's EOS Utility can control the camera (over USB 3.0 and Wi-Fi) but, as BYE users are well aware, EU is rather limited. 


Log file

12:31:06  Licensed to Agon
12:31:06  Processor Affinity
12:31:20  Attempting to connect camera...
12:31:20  Canon drivers 'Canon\' initialized.
12:31:20  DEVICEINFO NUMBER IS 3470492101.
12:31:20  YOUR *REAL* MODEL NUMBER IS 4294967294(FFFFFFFE)
12:31:20  Generic model 153 assumed!
P.S. As of today, the current version of Breeze Systems' DSlrRemotePro also does not work with the Mark IV.
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Hi, you posted this in the news section.  I moved it here in the BackyardEOS forum.


The EOS 5D Mark IV is a new camera and the SDK is not yet available.  It usually takes Canon about 3 to 6 months to release the SDK after a new model as been released.


Please read this pinned thread in the BackyardEOS forum for more information.




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I hope support for EOS 5D Mark IV also includes the wireless remote control feature.

Given Canon's history with SDK Support for Advanced Features...  Don't Get Your Hopes Up...


But then, which of the Advanced Features would really Improve your AP Imaging Experience, given that you already have BYE's Feature Set??


Wireless Connectivity??  Maybe...  But the Much-Slower Image Transfer Rate (especially for the Large Full-Size 30MP Images) would be tantamount to another 15-30sec Delay.  

And if you were able to configure the 5DmkIV to transfer Only the JPG, you'd lose-out on BYE's File Naming and EXIF Features.


Perhaps you have other Advanced Features in mind??

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​I'm running Backyard EOS ver. 3.1.8 and is a bit disappointed that it does not yet support EOS 5D Mark IV.  Good thing I also have a 7D. I hope support for EOS 5D Mark IV also includes the wireless remote control feature.


My hands are tied, I need to wait for Canon North America to release the SDK.  If I don't agree and accepted these terms they can revoke my SDK application privileges in the future.

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Wireless remote control is not as useful as you might think, even if Canon fully supports wireless tethering in the SDK.


As s3igell has said, the image download is slower than if you are wired AND several of the large star parties do not allow the observing field WiFi network to be used for instrument control because it hogs the use of the limited RF channels that WiFi uses.

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I understand that Canon may not publicize when the next release is due but does that rule out politely asking them when it might support the 5D MKIV?

After all, we're buying their latest cameras and not being able to use it for the purpose it was purchased for is very annoying.

I'd suggest the BYE crew email them; its hard to imagine they'd take any exception to such a request from a third party software vendor. 

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In order for BYE to support your 5D Mk IV, the Canon Software Development Kit (SDK) must support it. The newest version of the Canon SDK was released in April 2016 and did not have support for that model. Since BYE relies on the low-level support of the SDK for managing the cameras, BYE cannot support cameras that are not supported by the SDK.


Canon does not publicize any release schedule for the SDK so it is not possible for Guylain to predict when a particular model will be supported in BYE.

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