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D800 no live view and byn freezes



Hi there,


I just got BYN trial version to connect to my D800 with Windows 7 in parallels on my MacBook Pro after updating my D800 firmware. However once connected when I select imaging and focus tab live view is activated but no image displays. I do see the camera data. Camera is in manual mode. After that the GUI locks up and I can't change anything or shut down BYN. Once I physically disconnect camera then the GUI works again. I also noticed that the live view doesn't engage with a fully manual non electronic af/aperture lens even when the camera is not connected to anything so wondering if that is a firmware issue that's messing with things. Anyone else found any of these issues?


I'd really like to get all working before buying the full version and also am fully Nikon equipped so no suggestions to move to canon please.

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Others are running BYN on Macs with Parallels and have reported no issues once they get things correctly configured.


Lockups are typically communication issues. Failure to see LiveView is also symptomatic of a communications issue. Do you have a pure Windows PC to try on?


Some people have had issues configuring Parallels to give Windows complete access to the USB ports.

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Perhaps you should review (use SEARCH button - top right) for "Firmware" and review the other Threads where Nikon Users have reported various issues after Nikon Firmware Updates (some resolved successfully, some not).

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Oh, I missed the part about the the OP upgrading the camera firmware, but BYN 1.0.5 has the new SDK that is supposed to work with cameras that have the updated firmware. If he downloaded the latest version for his trial, then that is supposed to address the SDK compatibility issue.


If LiveView doesn't work when the camera is not tethered, it seems like there are other issues.


As another point, I would not expect LiveView to work very well for Frame & Focus of stars when using a lens, instead of a telescope, unless it is a very long focal length lens.


Nikon users' issues with the firmware upgrade have only reinforced my attitude of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I have not heard anyone say that the firmware upgrade "fixed" anything, leaving me to assume that they just installed it because it was available, not because they had any problem with the current firmware.

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A few tweaks to my camera menus and I figured out getting it to work with BYN on my Windows laptop. Next is to retry on my Mac through parallels and see if that is resolved or if I need to adjust the USB port settings. Appreciate all the help. Getting prepped to start playing with my ED120 refractor.

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