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BYE work on a Surface Go




I am after a more compact computer to run BackyardEOS and was wondering if it would run on a Microsoft Surface Go?
It has PENTIUM 4415Y 1.60 GHZ. 64GB HDD, 8 GB RAM, 1800x1200 screen and Windows 10 Pro.

Thanks in advance.

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6 answers to this question

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It will run on pretty much anything. BYE is not power hungry during normal use. It will spike a bit during image preparation & download, and side from that it's pretty low-key. 64GB is not a lot of HDD space once you add the OS and all the images you'll be taking in a single session; you'll need to manage that carefully.

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O'Telescope offers a free, no risk, full-featured 30 day trial so you can test BYE with your equipment. You should try it.

You should be aware that the Trial requires an active Internet connection to verify that the 30-day period has not expired. Also be aware that you should never post your license key on any public forum, including this one.

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Thanks for that, the Microsoft Surface Go has a slot for a micro SD card, so I could store the images there. I do own a copy of BYE and was just looking at purchasing a smaller PC. It's second hand so not that expensive and will save me from taking my expensive larger laptop outdoors etc.

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You'll likely start to tax the GO's CPU once you add a few "Necessary" Supplemental Astro Imaging Programs - primarily PHD2 for AutoGuiding / Dithering and whatever Mount Control Environment (ASCOM / NINA / other) works for your Mount. 

You'll eventually look to add Plate Solving - which is a heavier CPU Load.  If you run ASCOM, you can likely run this on your Main Laptop with ASCOM connection across the WiFi.

You can do your Image Processing on your Main Laptop, even some "Nearly" Live Stacking if you transfer the Image Files across in the Background.


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