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Change settings during a session?



I plan on using BYE for Lunar and planetary photography and also to photograph the ISS. I use Sky Track to track the ISS. It tracks it very well.

I don''t have my camera yet, it should be here on Friday.

Here is my problem. I have no way of knowing the exact exposure for the ISS beforehand. Presently, when using my Imaging Source CCD camera, I can change the exposure while it is recording a video.

Is this possible in BYE in Planetary mode? I don't think it is, but have no way to test it without a camera.

I'm thinking I could set up several different sessions, each with a different shutter speed and switch between them by aborting one session and starting another. Would this work? I am concerned that aborting a session and trying to start another one immediately would take to long.

I am using BYE 3.2.0 Trial Edition. I will be using a Rebel XS 1000D camera

Thanks for any insight you can give me. 

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1 hour ago, astroman133 said:

I have never thought about what you are trying to accomplish. I suspect that since BYE is not designed to operate as you asked, that it will not do what you expect. Particularly, with respect to the time to abort one session and configure and start the next.

What I was thinking was a session with several steps, say 2000 frames at 1/125, then 2000 frames at 1/250, etc and jumping from one line to the next. I guess it would be one session. I didn't explain it well at all. I would still have the problem of the camera buffering images, then sending them to the computer, right? Could that be eliminated by having the images copied to the camera's memory card only?


If it doesn't work, I guess I will be  stuck with  guessing at the right exposure and hoping for the best. I assume over time I would learn the proper shutter speed depending on the angle of the pass. 

Either that or settle for  the 3 fps the camera can do itself. I don't know about changing the shutter speed as I go, though. Either way, I have a lot of experimenting to do.

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You can answer the question by putting a lens on the camera and playing around with it using the free 30-day trial. At 1X you see the same frame as is displayed on the LCD screen when unzoomed. The Zoom box in BYE surrounds what you will see when zoomed to 5X. The 5X zoom is the maximum resolution of the camera and will give you the highest resolution.

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