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Hi thanks for the reply but I am not able to get past the page where it asks for my licence key and identifier. I have put in the licence key but have tried various identifiers but keep getting the message ‘could not find recognisable digits’ can you help Please?

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You tried "various identifiers"? The correct value for the Identifier field is the Username of the account on this site that was used to issue your license.

Since you are presumably trying to validate your license for the BYE 3.2.0 RC pre-release you need to go to the My Purchases area of your profile and copy the permanent BYE license key to the Clipboard and paste it into the license field of the Validation dialog and then enter "Nelson" into the Identifier field. Note that the Identifier field is case-sensitive.

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Your key and identifier are both located under "My Purchases -> Orders" here on the web site.

If you still have issues please contact my directly using the contact us form on the website and I'll look into it.


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I have been waiting all day after filling in the ‘contact us’ form on the website, but as yet no answer. Sorry if you have problems I am not aware of. Please see that form for details.

I have opened up the ‘my purchases’ then ‘orders’ but I cannot see a licence key just three things I have purchased. I need an idiots guide to do this. Firstly where do I open ‘my purchase’ is it from your web site? The licence key I put in is the one I put in when First purchasing Byeos then my identifier, but the system does not recognise any digits. What do I need to do?

Am I having problems due to it being a prerelease version?

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For the record, you have 2 accounts. <=== THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM.

You can't see a key under "My Purchases -> Orders" because you are logged in account "Nelson" with email melvin.atkins1@ntlworld.com.
This is NOT the account you used to purchase your key in 2015.
You need to login with the account you used to purchase back in 2015 and then you will see your key under "My Purchases -> Orders".



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Hi , I seem to have upset you which is not intended, sorry.

I open Byeos from the icon on my desktop so I have no idea how to open Byeos with my original account. What I don’t want to do is make things any muddier than they are , I have no idea how I have two accounts, as I am in no way pc savvy it must be something I did without realising it. Is there a way of deleting the first account or would that cause any problems such as downloading a new version? What is the best way forward? Sorry if I have upset you, not my intention Ireally don’t know what to do next.

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Upset, sort of.  When people create multiple accounts here on the web site and then get confused about their accounts and their key because they can't keep track of their account it does get to me sometimes. These issues are 100% preventable and are not software related. I get this type of request at least once or twice a month.

By second account I mean you have 2 accounts here on the website.

You need to login here on the website with your original account; the one you used to purchase BackyardEOS back in 2015. It's not your Nelson account. 

The account you used in 2015 to purchase is tied to email susan.santika@ntlworld.com. Login with that account and you'll be able to see your purchase key and identifier under "My Purchases -> Orders".



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The accounts are not associated with BYE. They are associated with this web site. You need to log off the site as Nelson, and log on with the username that you were using when you purchased your license. Then in the upper right corner of the page click on your username and select My Purchases from the dropdown list. You should see the Purchased license that will be valid for the latest releases.

However, if your account is very old then your license is probably a multi-line 3.0 license and you need to follow the Upgrade Instructions for BYE at the bottom of this page.

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Well, you're currently logged in using your Nelson account, so you need to log out of that account first.
To log out click your username in the upper right corner and then click Sing Out.
Then you need to login with your other account.
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