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Manual & Bulb Imagimng/Abort Issues



I don't recall this having been a problem in the past until I tried updating BYEOS to a newer version.  Because of issues with the software on my MS Surface Pro which I use when imaging outdoors (it is nice and light and easier to transport than a laptop), I also loaded ver 3.20 onto my home laptop, and 3.20 exhibits the same issue.  I have managed to revert back to 3.1.16 on my MS Surface Pro but have this issue and another one (separate thread).

Here is the problem.  If I have camera set to B, and try to take an image that is something like 1/10 s on BYEOS (so not bulb mode inthe software), OR, if my camera is set to M, and I try a Bulb Exposure with BYEOS the following happens, and I don't remember this being the case in the past.

  1. Nothing happens at camera (it does not take a shot)
  2. BYEOS indicates capture will be complete at a certain time and the round countdown circle at the upper right starts spinning.  The buttons at lower right (start image, loop, etc.) go dark.
  3. Log Message near upper left says set camera to M or B (whichever the case may be to match the photo mode in BYEOS)
  4. Countdown circle continues spinning well after the estimated time (and I have been testing with 1 second or less exposures).
  5. Press abort, nothing happens
  6. Press abort again and "Aborting" shows up in the larger countdown box, but nothing happens.  Have to shut down program.

I have attached the log file for troubleshooting.  What needs to be done to fix this?  As I noted I don't remeber this happening in the past (but I am finding my memory is not what it used to be too, so ...).  And is this something that could be fixed in code?  Flash a warning to set camera mode to B or M as needed (if not correctly set) before BYEOS tries to take the image and goes into some software twilight zone mode?





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Well, I'd be more interested in knowing your 3.1.18 or 3.2.0 issues.  3.1.16 is over 3 years old and won't get any fix applied to it.

Here is your problem IMO.

1 hour ago, ANKulin said:

Here is the problem.  If I have camera set to B, and try to take an image that is something like 1/10 s on BYEOS (so not bulb mode inthe software), OR, if my camera is set to M, and I try a Bulb Exposure with BYEOS the following happens, and I don't remember this being the case in the past.

The 60D has a B dial mode and a M dial mode.

YOU CAN NOT take a manual TV image while the dial is in B mode.

YOU CAN NOT take a BULB image while the dial is in M mode.

You absolutely need to have the physical dial on the camera to the corresponding dial mode. This is a physical limitation of the camera where they have both a B and M dial mode such as the 60D. V

Very few higher end camera allows to programmatically change the dial mode via program but that is not the case for the 60D.

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As Guylain has said, what you are reporting has always been true of the 60D and other Canon models with separate Manual and Bulb settings. In my opinion this was a horrible engineering design error.

You need to upgrade to at least the latest release (3.1.18)!

Also, the next time you post an issue, please be sure to prominently tell us the model of camera that you use.

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Thank you guys.

The 60D is a new astro-mod camera I just received so I have been trying to test it out.  I now understand that the dial mode on the camera should match the mode in BYEOS.  My confusion apparenly stems from my previous experience with the software where I was using my 7D2 pretty much exclusively and it does not have this issue.  The 7D2 can be either set at M or B and take pictures with BYEOS no matter what mode I set BYEOS to.  I also connected my 5D3 and it has the same issue the 60D had.  I presume because it is a slighter older model than my 7D2 it does not have the internal camera programming that allows B or M functionality regardless of the camera dial setting.


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9 hours ago, ANKulin said:

Thank you guys.

The 60D is a new astro-mod camera I just received so I have been trying to test it out.  I now understand that the dial mode on the camera should match the mode in BYEOS.  My confusion apparenly stems from my previous experience with the software where I was using my 7D2 pretty much exclusively and it does not have this issue.  The 7D2 can be either set at M or B and take pictures with BYEOS no matter what mode I set BYEOS to.  I also connected my 5D3 and it has the same issue the 60D had.  I presume because it is a slighter older model than my 7D2 it does not have the internal camera programming that allows B or M functionality regardless of the camera dial setting.


It's not just "slightly" older; the 60D is several years older than the 7D2.


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