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Slewing Does Not Work




Just practicing with the BackyardNikon and my ASCOM mount (EQMOD HEQ 5/6) and notice that the first time that I try to slew the mount east from within BYN the mount makes a loud noise and no slewing takes place. Thereafter the mount is quiet and no movement takes place. During those times I am able to use the EQMOD interface and slew the mount as normal.

What could be wrong?



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On 12/30/2016 at 8:33 AM, astroman133 said:


Did you re-create your issue and send the log file for that session to Guylain, per his request?

Also, the telescope buttons in BYE are for small movements like centering a target, not for slewing large distances between targets.

Yes he did, and everything looks like in the log files so this needs some digging on my part.

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I am experiencing the same basic issue reported by Farzad_K. I am using BYE with a Canon T6i and a Skywatcher AZ-EG6 GT. I am using a BT2EQ5 to control the mount with EQMOD HEQ5/6. EQMOD is working fine. When I setup the BYE ASCOM Telescope I selected EQMOD ASCOM HEQ5/6 in the telescope chooser dialog. Clicking on properties reported that everything was already setup and connected. The BYE ASCOM Telescope area reports that it is connected to EQMOD.Telescope.

The first time I tried to use the BYE telescope control the status indicated "Stationary." When I attempted to slew the telescope I heard a loud noise from the mount but it did not appear to move. After that the status indicated "Slewing." Further attempts to slew the telescope resulted in no apparent movement. The status remained at "Slewing."

Using the EQMOD controls I could slew the telescope. The position indications in the BYE Telescope Control matched the EQMOD indications throughout the movements. If I park the telescope using EQMOD the BYE Telescope Control status changes to "Parked." When I unpark the mount from EQMOD the status changes to "Slewing."

So the BYE Telescope Control is communicating with EQMOD but can't move the mount. I will send my log.

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I have BYEOS PRO and I can see coordinates while tracking and slewing in EQMOD & BYEOS but I cannot slew in BYEOS as stated above.   I suspect there is no solution since 2016?  I tried the suggestion above by MikeR.  Did NOT work. EQM-35 PRO Mount.  LYNX Astro serial cable. Windows 8 PC.  Canon EOS Rebel t3i.

BYEOS Slew Issue.JPG

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