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Support for the Canon R100



Hi there, I am having trouble getting my new mirrorless Canon EOS R100 connected to Backyard EOS (l downloaded 3.2.3 I believe).

The logs show the following messages:

2024-08-27 20:12:30,246 [Main] INFO  - Canon EOS R100 FOUND!
2024-08-27 20:12:30,246 [Main] INFO  - Port \\?\usb#vid_04a9&pid_3312#5&2aaffd5a&0&7#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}
2024-08-27 20:12:30,252 [Main] INFO  - DEVICEINFO DESCRIPTION IS Canon EOS R100
2024-08-27 20:12:30,257 [Main] INFO  - DEVICEINFO NUMBER IS 3470492101.
2024-08-27 20:12:30,263 [Main] INFO  - YOUR *REAL* MODEL NUMBER IS 4294967294(FFFFFFFE)
2024-08-27 20:12:30,272 [Main] INFO  - YOUR camera is not currently supported by the Canon SDK available at the time of this software release.
2024-08-27 20:12:30,284 [Main] INFO  - Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON :)
2024-08-27 20:12:30,286 [Main] INFO  - Running (throw): EDSDK.EdsTerminateSDK()
2024-08-27 20:12:30,293 [Main] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsTerminateSDK()
2024-08-27 20:12:30,293 [Main] INFO  - Camera state changed: 'Disconnected'


Can you please help me?

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Please read this post ->

The R100 is not yet listed in the Supported Cameras Grid.

BYE 3.2.3 was released by O'Telescope before the R100 was released by Canon, so that camera will not work with that version of BYE.

BYE 3.5.0.RC7 was released more recently and it supports other new models so you could try it. 3.5.0 both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are available from the Pre-release link on the Downloads page. I would recommend not using the 64-bit version of BYE unless you need to. The 32-bit version runs perfectly well on 64-bit versions of Windows 10 and 11. This way if you get a Premium license and want to use the ASCOM support in BYE you will not have compatibility issues with 32-bit only ASCOM drivers.

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Thank you Rick. I just installed BYE3.5.0RC7 and tried connecting my EOS R100. But unfortunately I get the same error. So, it does look like it is unsupported. Is there a workaround to get BYE to work with this camera? 

2024-08-28 08:16:33,257 [Main] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsGetDeviceInfo(mCameraRef, out mDeviceInfo)
2024-08-28 08:16:33,257 [Main] INFO  - Canon EOS R100 FOUND!
2024-08-28 08:16:33,257 [Main] INFO  - Port \\?\usb#vid_04a9&pid_3312#5&2aaffd5a&0&7#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}
2024-08-28 08:16:33,263 [Main] INFO  - DEVICEINFO DESCRIPTION IS Canon EOS R100
2024-08-28 08:16:33,266 [Main] INFO  - DEVICEINFO NUMBER IS 3470492101.
2024-08-28 08:16:33,268 [Main] INFO  - YOUR *REAL* MODEL NUMBER IS 4294967294(FFFFFFFE)
2024-08-28 08:16:33,272 [Main] INFO  - YOUR camera is not currently supported by the Canon SDK available at the time of this software release.
2024-08-28 08:16:33,275 [Main] INFO  - Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON :)
2024-08-28 08:16:33,276 [Main] INFO  - Running (throw): EDSDK.EdsTerminateSDK()
2024-08-28 08:16:33,290 [Main] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsTerminateSDK()
2024-08-28 08:16:33,291 [Main] INFO  - Camera state changed: 'Disconnected'

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There is no current way to make BYE work with the R100. However, the infor provided in the log info that you provided may be enough to give Guylain what he needs to make modifications to BYE to support the R100. He will also need to upgrade the version of the Canon SDK to a newer version.

From my installation of BYE 3.5 I can see that it includes version 13.16.10 of the Canon SDK. And according to the Canon SDK Master Compatibility document, support for the R100 requires version 13.17.0 or later.

The good news is that if you are patient, BYE should eventually support the R100.

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