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Nikon D7000 does not connect



Hello, I have a Nikon D7000,  I installed the demo version, connected my USB cable, the computer recognizes the camera, I can see the pictures on the SD card but when I run the software it does not find the camera.  Is there another cable that I need to use?   

Firmware version on the camera is:  A 1.04   B 1.05  C 1.006

Additionally I have tested a Nikon D200 and a D7500 with the same result,  I have tried also different cables and three computers.


Thank you all




Edited by mario.monaco@hotmail.com
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The common point appears to be the computer. I suspect you may be missing the c++ redistributable on this computer. BYN does not need them per se as it's a .Net application, but the Nikon SDK requires them.


Send me the log file and I may be able to confirm this or not.


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First, there is no  "Demo version" of BYN. The installed software is the same whether you are using a free 30 day Trial license or a paid Classic or Premium license. It is the license that controls which features are activated.

Second, you said that you can see the pictures on the SD card. What are you using to "see the pictures"? Only one application at time can connect to the camera, so if you are using an app to examine the images on the SD card that app will prevent BYN from connecting to the camera. Also, you may need to unplug and re-plug the camera from the PC because camera control and "seeing the pictures" may load different drivers.

When you plug the camera into the PC and power it on, Windows should recognize the camera. It may prompt you for "Select to choose what happens with this device". To use the camera with BYN you must choose "Take No Action". This causes the correct camera driver to be installed.

Of course, Guylain may be correct that you also need the correct version of the C++ Run-Time library also installed, that is needed by the Nikon Software Library.

I hope this helps.

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Hello Astroman133

thanks for your help and sorry the Free version,  if I open my file explorer and I check the folder for the Nikon 7000, I can enter and open the folder and see the pics on the SD card as they sit on the camera.    I have deinstalled the driver for the D7000 and did the (Take No Action),  same issue.  I have installed the new version of the C++ Run Time from the microsoft webpage and nothing.   Im attaching all of the log files that were created.   let me know if you can help as I'm really interested in purchasing this software. 


Thank you both



logfile-[20221029-21h56m52s230]-[11740]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-21h58m27s845]-[14088]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221031-19h27m48s967]-[12112]-2022-10-31.txt logfile-[20221031-19h27m48s967]-[12112]-2022-11-01.txt logfile-[20221101-13h40m27s597]-[14192]-2022-11-01.txt logfile-[20221101-13h42m27s200]-[14804]-2022-11-01.txt logfile-[20221029-20h58m30s691]-[12092]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-20h59m49s960]-[24048]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-21h01m06s518]-[7808]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-21h02m47s995]-[9592]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-21h35m24s555]-[12028]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-21h39m18s488]-[20000]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-21h44m36s980]-[8816]-2022-10-29.txt logfile-[20221029-21h50m24s346]-[17964]-2022-10-29.txt

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First, I am not affiliated with O'Telescope, except as a user of BYE. I hang out here and try to help people with issues with BYE and BYN.

Second, the admins would prefer that you NOT post log files to the forums. If they feel that a log file would help them to troubleshoot an issue that you are having they will ask you to email a single log file that demonstrates the issue that you are having. It is not necessary to attach every log file in the Logs folder, just one.

I looked at one of your logs and it said only one thing of use:

2022-10-29 21:57:09,586 [Main] INFO  - Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON

Since you can see the images on the SD card, we can assume that the cable is good and that it is plugged into both the PC and the camera. However if you are able to open the Nikon folder in Windows Explorer and can see the pictures on the SD card while it is plugged into the computer then this  may be why you are not able to connect with BYN.

You said that you answered the Windows question about "What do you want to do with the camera" with Take No Action. This should mean that you would not be able to see your images in a folder with Windows Explorer. I am kind of at a loss, except to say that many hundreds of people are using BYN with their cameras so the issue that you are having is most likely a Windows problem or pilot error.

There may also be some other program,  like Nikon Camera Control, that is running and is preventing BYN from connecting.

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You said you have a D7000.

Your log files are showing you selected the D7500 drivers.

Select the D7000 drivers and try again.

2022-10-29 21:57:01,637 [Main] INFO  - Attempting to connect camera...
2022-10-29 21:57:01,637 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'MaestroChoose'
2022-10-29 21:57:01,644 [Main] DEBUG - Nikon drivers 'Type0021_D7500/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0021_D7500\Type0021.md3' is loading...
2022-10-29 21:57:01,675 [Main] INFO  - Nikon drivers 'Type0021_D7500/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0021_D7500\Type0021.md3' initialized.
2022-10-29 21:57:02,046 [Main] INFO  - Nikon/D7500 drivers initialized.

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