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Problem with registration code



Dear developer of Backyard EOS, I have the following problem with my recent purchase of ver. 3.2

  - I have installed it in a first time on my home computer under Windows 10, everything is OK

  - then I had to install it on a laptop that I use in the fields, most important. This laptop runs Windows Vista 32 bits. It is not obvious which version of BYEOS I should use but ver. 3.2 seems, after several attempts; to have been installed since I have  2 shortcuts on the desktop (with ByeOS and BYEOS camera2) and I am prompted to enter the registration code. But the code corresponding to my purchase does not work, I have the message "loading impossible".

Could you help me, Thanks,

Bernard Vigreux

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My key has been activated when I have loaded the program on my Home computer and everything was OK as I told in the message. But this was for tests, I will have to use the program outside with my laptop and it is on the laptop that the loading (a second use of the registration key) does not finalize...

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Ok, thanks for the confirmation.

Please see my previous reply about your antivirus.

The issue is environmental on your laptop. The key is valid since it registered on your home computer last Friday.  Something on your laptop is preventing the validation, and the antivirus may be the cause.

Keep us posted please.


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Since I use my laptop mainly for astronomy I have no antivirus installed. Only Windows firewall and generic Windows Internet protective levels are there. I have added otelescope site in the authorized sites and restarted the computer. The problem is still there. In fact the Backyard EOS program is installed, the link to the program opens it but I have immediately a window requesting  registration code and identification. It is this process which ends invariably with the message "Provider load failure"

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Windows comes with it's built in antivirus Windows Defender. This said, I have used nothing but the built-in Windows Defender antivirus for over 10 years without any issues. The reason I asked about antivirus is that some antivirus have been known to block the internet call to the activation server.

Can you try BYE 3.2.3 pre-release?

Keep us posted.



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Thankyou for your efforts but here are the last news...

  - on my home computer the ver.3.2.3.RC3 does not load, considered as "suspect"

  - on my laptop (where really I need BYE) where I had desinstalled ver. 3.2.2, this version 3.2.2 is installed instead of the RC3 I tried to install and I have two shortcuts on my desktop, one with BYE v3.2 (but when I click on this shortcut I reach the sa

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I reach the same point where the validation code is requested and the validation brings the message "provider load failure") and the second shortcut is for "Backyard RED", which freezes the laptop with a red color

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19 minutes ago, bervig said:

Thankyou for your efforts but here are the last news...

  - on my home computer the ver.3.2.3.RC3 does not load, considered as "suspect"

  - on my laptop (where really I need BYE) where I had desinstalled ver. 3.2.2, this version 3.2.2 is installed instead of the RC3 I tried to install and I have two shortcuts on my desktop, one with BYE v3.2 (but when I click on this shortcut I reach the sa

"suspect", install anyway, I guarantee 100% that all software downloaded from www.otelescope.com website are safe and virus free.  Anti-virus software are just slow to flag new downloads as safe and they always err on the side of precaution.


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Wait a minute... Vista.... I did not catch that in your first post.  Official mainstream support for Vista ended in 2012, and extended support ended in  2017.

Since then, there have been Windows updates and .net updates that have not been deployed on Vista.  I'm unable to support an application on and operating system that has been out of any support for 5 years. This said, it may work, but it may be just by chance.

Please see the camera support grid (link in the page footer). Support starts with Windows 7 and onward.




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OK, but there is still a mystery...

I bought the software clicking on a link for BY ver. 3.1 Premium. For some reason the 3.2 was loaded (on my home computer) and works well but It is useful only for "playing" with it. The "help" section of this program is a .pdf that you reach through the "interrogation mark", top right of the program window. This .pdf is referring... to the BY 3.1 curiously and indicates clearly in the "prerequisites" that BY 3.1 works with Vista. The misfit came from there and, as I told you in my initial message, I was uncertain which version I had to load for my laptop on Vista 32 bits.

But don't worry, I may change my laptop in the future for a more recent one. Your support has been clear and continuous

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This is not a glitch, this is by design.

Keys are forward compatible, not necessarily backyard compatible. Having the store item at 3.1 allow purchase keys to work with 3.1 and 3.2 seamlessly. If I were to update the store to 3.2.... generated keys would only work with 3.2 and not 3.1. Hope this makes sense.

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So in the Store when you get a license it is for versions 3.1 and later. That could be made clearer. The OP thought that he was buying BYE 3.1 and the user manual said that it was compatible with Windows Vista. Hence his confusion when you said that Vista is not supported.

Also, the user manual for the next release should probably be updated to indicate that Windows Vista is no longer a supported operating system. That is one of many updates that would help new users come up to speed on BYE more quickly. No developer likes to do documentation, however having well written, comprehensive, and up-to-date documentation gives users a valuable self-learning reference that can avoid the need for posting newbie questions to the forums.

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