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Backyard EOS does not work. Causes computer to freeze and crash





I downloaded the trail version of BYE yesterday, and I cannot get it to work.  I'm using a Canon Rebel XS (1000D), and I'm not able to to see anything through live-view.  BYE says I'm connected, but every second or so, I keep getting a "Parameter No Valid" log entry, and after a couple mins of this, my computer will freeze up and crash.  


What am I doing wrong?

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8 answers to this question

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This looks like a bad install.  Try re-installing in a new folder.


Also, make sure your computer is up to date, more specifically .net 4.0.


I have literally over 1,000 users using 3.1.3 and at least 100 with an XS (1000D), including myself so it does work quite well actually.  We need to figure why it does not on your computer.


Keep us posted please.



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Any news on this?  Have you been able to make it work.


You could always try on a different computer as a test.  This should confirm (or not) if it is an issue with the computer or not.



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You could also try installing and using the Canon EOS utility. If you have the same issue with the EOS Utility, then it would tend to eliminate BYE as being the problem.  It is most likely a problem with the USB cabling.


If you don't have the proper .Net Framework, I would expect that BYE would not be able to start up.

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You could also try installing and using the Canon EOS utility. If you have the same issue with the EOS Utility, then it would tend to eliminate BYE as being the problem.  It is most likely a problem with the USB cabling.


If you don't have the proper .Net Framework, I would expect that BYE would not be able to start up.


This is correct.  This installer ensures it is installed and BYE would not even start.  But it does happen from time to time that even the .net framework has gone bad (I have seen this in at least 2 occurences in the past).


The EOS Utility is also a good one to make.


Have you tried on another PC just as a test?


Try running with admin rights.  Sometimes your security setting may prevent the config file to be saved.  I have seen this a few times in the past.  BYE does not need admin rights but your PC may be configured with tight security.  Try it, it may work.


If all else fail I would like to remote login on your computer to troubleshoot.


Keep us posted,



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I installed EOS Utility and ran it once, and I don't know what it did, but know BYE seems to be working fine.  Thanks!


This probably means installing EOS Utility has reset some canon drivers, it is hard to say.  I'm glad you got it to work though.



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