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BackyardEOS not saving planetary AVI files



I’m new so am sure I’m doing something wrong, i did a restore on my laptop and reinstalled BackyardEOS and takes images great but when I use planetary I get the jpegs but no AVI video. After looking through the Otelescope forums I found one that said download VirtualDub and extract it in the the BackyardTEMP folder which I think I did (I have it in that folder and Thats where I extracted it), should I try reinstalling or is there something else I can try? Also can I use all those jpegs to stack? Thanx for any replies,, newly retired with this new hobby. 

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When you start a thread to ask for help with an issue it is always important to 1) be on the latest release of BYE, 2) confirm that you are on the latest release by including your BYE version number in your post, and 3) tell us what camera model you are using.

ByteScout is installed with BYE 3.2.2. It is the default AVI creator for Planetary video.

The post that you read that advised to install VirtualDub may have been created before ByteScout was provided or ByteScout may not have worked for some abnormal reason.

I am unable to  re-create your issue with BYE 3.2.2. I don't have VirtualDub and BYE is able to use ByteScout to create an AVI file from the individual JPG LiveView frames from my T5i.

Did you look in the PLANETARY sub-folder under your configured Download folder?

Please provide the requested information.


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AVI are overrated, and provide no additional value other than you have 1 file instead of several JPGs.

AVI does not improve quality, it's the same data as in the JPG.

AVI has one pitfall, its size is orders of magnitude larger than the sum of all JPG.... AVI is 30+ year old file format.


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15 hours ago, astroman133 said:

When you start a thread to ask for help with an issue it is always important to 1) be on the latest release of BYE, 2) confirm that you are on the latest release by including your BYE version number in your post, and 3) tell us what camera model you are using.

ByteScout is installed with BYE 3.2.2. It is the default AVI creator for Planetary video.

The post that you read that advised to install VirtualDub may have been created before ByteScout was provided or ByteScout may not have worked for some abnormal reason.

I am unable to  re-create your issue with BYE 3.2.2. I don't have VirtualDub and BYE is able to use ByteScout to create an AVI file from the individual JPG LiveView frames from my T5i.

Did you look in the PLANETARY sub-folder under your configured Download folder?

Please provide the requested information.


Yes I looked in the planetary folder , it is empty, I stacked all the pics with autostakkert after pre processing with PIPP and very happy with the results so not an emergency !! Still very happy with BackyardEOS!! I have BackyardEOS3.2.2 and am using a Canon 2000D(t7) on a 200mm by 1200mm skywatcher goto dobsonian, didn’t know about Bytescout but as long as I can use the jpeg stack I’m happy,, also I was advised to open a separate thread for this and I have done so 

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