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Canada's top-tier Telescopes & Accessories
Be as specific as possible when reporting issues and *ALWAYS* include the full version number of the application you are using and your exact *CAMERA MODEL*
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New User, Potentially......



OK, so I am new to photography AND astrophotography. I have been watching YouTube videos and the channels I like have several tutorials where they are using Canon T3i/600d cameras.

Sooooo, I found one on Craigslist and following the channels advice, downloaded the trial edition of Backyard EOS.....

That's when the trouble started.

So it turns out that the reason I have been having so much trouble using or even connecting to Backyard EOS other than the first time is that my camera was FUBAR.

Just got my camera back and I am ready to rock and roll EXCEPT my trial period has now EXPIRED.....

Any chance I can get a reset on the 30 day trial period? More to test out my camera than the software I guess. If this thing gives me any more trouble I am going to steal my wifes Nikon.

So really want to give Backyard EOS the good college try before I commit to the version as I may not stick with the Canon.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

A new 30 days would be great as I am looking at the weather here in Oregon and I may be asking for another 30 days if I can't use the telescope before Christmas.


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Many beginners don't think about it, but much of BYE's functionality can be tested while sitting at the kitchen table. This is especially true of the basic functionality like connecting, taking short and long exposures, using Live View for framing and focusing, using changes to exposure and ISO to control the brightness of LiveView. You can even test connectivity with ASCOM telescope and filter wheel by using the simulators that are provided with the ASCOM Platform.

That way you can get over the usual unfamiliarity of a new user and go out into the field with confidence about what works and easily have your questions answered while at home where you have high-speed internet connectivity available at a convenient time of day to get quick answers.

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Hey Astroman, appreciate the info. That's EXACTLY what I was trying to do.... I DID get everything going ONCE. Then nothing....

My camera had a USB port that someone before me had abused and it gave up the ghost while I was trying to use it. Started out as an intermittent problem and then just totally stopped working. Replaced the camera. With the exact same camera....

This one however seems to be working so we will see how this goes.....

I really want to get the most out of this software. I have already started working on my own ASCOM driver for my GoTo mount for my telescope and a focuser is all tested waiting for me to 3d print the case so I can stop taping everything to the scope.....

Look forward to seeing you in the forums.

And thank you for your understanding, Admin, you guys have been awesome so far, I am looking forward to messing with new software for the first time in awhile.

Here goes nothing....

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