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Weather Center Supported Options



I'm really confused about what inputs are compatible with the Weather Center feature of BYEOS.  The options in the latest version of the program are: StickStation, TemperHUM, MBox, Pegasus Powerbox, and a delimited file option.  I've been using the file option successfully, but have updated the operating system on my main computer (where the weather data from my DAVIS VantagePro 2 resides) to WIN10.  The brick computer I use on my astro-imaging rig is still on WIN7 - this is where BYEOS is installed.  With the change to WIN10 on the main computer I've lost the ability for the WIN7 imaging computer to 'see' the weather data file, and I cannot figure out how to get BYEOS (on the WIN7 computer) to access it.  I thought I would try one of the hardware solutions, but there's a lot of conflicting info in the SUPPORT forum on which of these actually works.

So, my question is: Which of the hardware solutions works the best??

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58 minutes ago, astroman133 said:

Thanks for this link!  This is one that I had not found yet.  Ran through the process and I was able to access the weather data on my main computer (WIN10) from my imaging computer (WIN7).  Problem solved.

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There is nothing about upgrading the main computer to Windows 10 that would prevent the observatory control computer from accessing its file system, or vice versa. Your easiest solution is to fix that linkage.

I would expect that you would periodically create a new weather system file on the main computer and copy that file to the observatory computer, where BYE would pick it up. It would seem to simply be a matter of creating a shared folder on the observatory system and have the main computer copy the file to that shared folder.l

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I agree that this would be the easiest solution, but the WIN7 computer cannot 'see' the WIN10 computer due to the fact that WIN10 no longer supports HOME GROUPS.  Before I updated the main computer to WIN10 everything worked fine.  I've tried a number of solutions to 'fix' the issue, but have not succeeded yet.  I'm continuing to try to find a workaround, but thought it might be easier to have a direct input into BYEOS. 

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