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Expired license?




Bought BYE Premium back in 2014 an greatly enjoyed it for several years.  Yet, for the last years had to stop my astro hobby for some reasons but now the planets alignment are favourable to restart sky gazing.

Meanwhile my laptop where BYE was installed crashed and had to replace it. Unfortunately noticed that BYE does not work anymore with my previous license (noticed some changes in validation process).

Above being said shall highly appreciate support to have BYE working again.

Thanks in advance.


L.E. - couldn't also login with my old credentials, had to create a new account on the site.

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6 answers to this question

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The upgrade instruction link is in the page footer.

If you never upgraded since your purchased your key in 2014 then you didn't have an account because accounts were not required back then... so yo may not have lost your credentials.... you most likely never had any.  As of January 2015 the new validation server requires an account to associate your new key to its rightful owner.


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Hi admin. I also bought my Premium license in 2014 and have used the ‘support’ link in the footer as suggested to get a new key sent to me. However i just got an auto email that said you cannot do 1:1 support through the ‘support’ link and have not been sent any new code as explained in the ‘upgrade’ options! 
Please can you look in to sending me the required code asap?

Thank you

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Keys are not sent to you, they are only available on-line since January 2015 under "My Purchases -> Orders".

There is permanent link to the upgrade instructions below on the page footer.  Here is a direct link for your convenience.  Pick the options that applies to you and follow the steps.

Come back here is you need more help and we'll figure it out.

Thank you

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Hi Admin, thanks for the quick reply. 
I have already followed the steps outlined in the ‘upgrade from 1.x or 2.x’ option in the link you suggested over 24 hours ago. 
I have not yet had a reply with the ‘coupon code’ that the steps suggest will happen.

Please can you advise on why the coupon code has not been sent to me or assist me in getting one? 

Thanks for your help. 😃

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