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Send command vb.net





I'm trying to create a FLAT capture program integrated with my observatory software.
Is the system for sending commands with short shutter speeds correct?

 BackyardTcpClient.SendCommand(String.Format("takepicture target:{0} duration:{1} iso:{2} quality:{3} exposures:{4} imagetype:{5} bin:{6}", "FLAT_" _
                                                    & date1.Day & "_" & date1.Month & "_" & date1.Year, "1/100", "100", "RAW", "3", "FLAT", bin))



this is because it seems to me that the flat is completely overexposed.

shutter speed is: 1/100 sec. for 100 ISO.


Best regards, Riccardo.

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It is not clear from the API documentation whether the takepicrure command can take Tv exposures, but if it is supported perhaps you should use  a decimal number, for example, 0.01 rather than a string like "1/100" that is not a number.

I would also expect that if any of the arguments do not make sense, that the command would raise an exception rather than misinterpret the command.

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1 hour ago, Riccardo.Sordo said:

I'm trying to create a FLAT capture program integrated with my observatory software.
Is the system for sending commands with short shutter speeds correct?

 BackyardTcpClient.SendCommand(String.Format("takepicture target:{0} duration:{1} iso:{2} quality:{3} exposures:{4} imagetype:{5} bin:{6}", "FLAT_" _
                                                    & date1.Day & "_" & date1.Month & "_" & date1.Year, "1/100", "100", "RAW", "3", "FLAT", bin))

You are sending invalid parameters.  As per the documentation these are the valid values for each parameters.


duration:{duration in seconds, default is 1}   <<<=== you must send the duration in seconds, not TV shutter speeds

iso:{100, 400, 800, 1600, default is 1600}

quality:{jpg, raw, default is jpg}

exposures:{number of images to take, default is 1}

imagetype:{1=preview, 0=capture, default is 1}  <<<=== you must send either 1 or 0, not FLAT.


Sadly the current API only accept seconds for the duration, not TV shutter speeds specifically.  You do bring up a good point however, perhaps TV shutter speeds should be added as a possibility.  Internally, BYE has converted the errornous "1/100" TV shutter speed to 1 second and this may be why your flat is overexposed.



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1 hour ago, astroman133 said:

Just so that I understand...You seem to be saying that the current version of the API only does BULB exposures of 1 second or longer. Tv exposures, shorter than 1 second are not currently possible. Is that correct?

With the current API, it appears to be the case, yes.

I was just looking and the code and there is support for shutter speeds in there, but it looks like it is just missing the mapping from the API supplied parameter to the actual valid TV shutter value. Might be a simple 10 minute fix. If this is the case I'll fix that for the next release for sure.


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Well, this might already work after all.  Looking at the API code it looks like there's an undocumented parameter called shutter.

You need to use the shutter parameter instead of duration parameter.

duration:{duration in seconds, default is 1}
shutter:{any camera valid shutter speed, default is BULB}
iso:{100, 400, 800, 1600, default is 1600}
quality:{jpg, raw, default is jpg}
exposures:{number of images to take, default is 1}
imagetype:{1=preview, 0=capture, default is 1}

“takepicture target:M33 duration:300 iso:800”
“takepicture duration:15 iso:1600”
“takepicture duration:15”
“takepicture shutter:1/100 iso:800”
“takepicture quality:raw iso:1600”
“takepicture target:M13 duration:300 iso:800 imagetype:0”

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Hi!, I was away on business. I tried the code with the indicated parameter but it always gives me 1 sec.

Takepicture shutter:1/100 iso:800”


  Private Sub CatturaBIASToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CatturaBIASToolStripMenuItem.Click
        BackyardTcpClient.SendCommand(String.Format("takepicture shutter:1/100 iso:100"))
    End Sub


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On 1/24/2020 at 5:12 PM, admin said:

You are sending invalid parameters.  As per the documentation these are the valid values for each parameters.


duration:{duration in seconds, default is 1}   <<<=== you must send the duration in seconds, not TV shutter speeds

iso:{100, 400, 800, 1600, default is 1600}

quality:{jpg, raw, default is jpg}

exposures:{number of images to take, default is 1}

imagetype:{1=preview, 0=capture, default is 1}  <<<=== you must send either 1 or 0, not FLAT.


Sadly the current API only accept seconds for the duration, not TV shutter speeds specifically.  You do bring up a good point however, perhaps TV shutter speeds should be added as a possibility.  Internally, BYE has converted the errornous "1/100" TV shutter speed to 1 second and this may be why your flat is overexposed.



        'duration:{duration in seconds, default is 1}
        'iso:{100, 400, 800, 1600, default is 1600}
        'quality:{jpg, raw, default is jpg}
        'exposures:{number of images to take, default is 1}
        'imagetype:{ Preview, LIGHT, DARK, FLAT, BIAS, DARK_FLAT, default is
        '“takepicture target:M33 duration:300 iso:800”
        '“takepicture duration:15 iso:1600”
        '“takepicture duration:15”
        '“takepicture quality:raw iso:1600”

The parameters (which work) of the API documentation and the application are different from what you indicate!

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    Private Sub CatturaFLATToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CatturaFLATToolStripMenuItem.Click
        'duration:{duration in seconds, default is 1}
        'iso:{100, 400, 800, 1600, default is 1600}
        'quality:{jpg, raw, default is jpg}
        'exposures:{number of images to take, default is 1}
        'imagetype:{ Preview, LIGHT, DARK, FLAT, BIAS, DARK_FLAT, default is
        '“takepicture target:M33 duration:300 iso:800”
        '“takepicture duration:15 iso:1600”
        '“takepicture duration:15”
        '“takepicture quality:raw iso:1600”  
        Dim bin As Integer = 1
        Dim date1 As Date = Date.Now
        BackyardTcpClient.SendCommand(String.Format("takepicture target:{0} shutter:{1} iso:{2} quality:{3} exposures:{4} imagetype:{5} bin:{6}", "FLAT_" _
         & date1.Day & "_" & date1.Month & "_" & date1.Year, "1-100", "200", "raw", "1", "FLAT", bin))
    End Sub


...this code put above works perfectly with my program.

Shutter par 1/100 not works, Shutter par 1-100  works, 

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