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Switch to Canon or hang on... :-)



Hi there,


I'm just starting out into astrophotography and own a Nikon D600 - I'm wondering whether to buy a Canon 600d for my astrophotography work, or whether to hang out for BackyardNikon. Can you tell me some more about it? Features, supported cameras, likely public beta release?





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Hi Guylain:


I'm BA-A-ACK!  Nice to see you're working on a Nikon version of BYE.  You may recall that shortly after you had released BYE I had contacted you about the possibility of working together on a port. I'd had my own tool for automating the capturing, and was starting to play with the API for downloading images but didn't want to re-do everything from scratch (or work on a competing product) if there was a chance to have a BYE equivalent.  I ended up having to give up the astrophotography for the most part for a few years while I built Orion Ranch Observatory (www.orionranchobservatory.com), but now that I'm just about done, I'm looking to get my modded Canon 450D back running with BYE, and then rip it apart to do an internal cooler mod!  :D  I just sent you an e-mail to the old Yahoo address on the latter topic.  At any rate, can't wait to see the beta and run it through its paces on my D90.  I'd also like to determine what it would take to make my remote triggering module compatible with what you're supporting.  Since it's on an emulated serial port, I could pretty easily change the commands to match whatever you're using for a trigger.





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Thanks Beo.


I'm not sure about the remote trigger you have but as of now I have the DSUSB working just fine with the Nikon that hava an intervalometer port, looks like it is called gps port on some/most models.



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Hi Guylain:


So what I designed uses the IR trigger mode for the D90 and similar cameras.  Just sending a single character out the virtual serial port will trigger the IR sequence once.  In timed mode, that takes one shot, while in bulb mode you trigger once for open and once for close.  The other software I'd mentioned handled all the timing, including inter-frame delays to allow the camera to write to the memory card, etc.



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Hi Guylain:


So what I designed uses the IR trigger mode for the D90 and similar cameras.  Just sending a single character out the virtual serial port will trigger the IR sequence once.  In timed mode, that takes one shot, while in bulb mode you trigger once for open and once for close.  The other software I'd mentioned handled all the timing, including inter-frame delays to allow the camera to write to the memory card, etc.




If it operates as a standard serial cable it will probably work... I guess we will see very soon :)



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Hi there,


I'm just starting out into astrophotography and own a Nikon D600 - I'm wondering whether to buy a Canon 600d for my astrophotography work, or whether to hang out for BackyardNikon. Can you tell me some more about it? Features, supported cameras, likely public beta release?






The features will be almost identical as those of BackyardEOS, I'm using the same core components.



The models below have a Nikon SDKs and should be supported in BackyardNIKON.


List of Nikon models and serial cable requirements for bulb;

D3 - I'm not sure at this point if a serial cable is required

D3S - I'm not sure at this point if a serial cable is required

D3X - I'm not sure at this point if a serial cable is required

D4 - I'm not sure at this point if a serial cable is required

D40 - Serial cable required for bulb

D60 - Serial cable required for bulb

D80 - Serial cable required for bulb

D90 - Serial cable required for bulb

D200 - I'm not sure, but I believe serial cable required for bulb

D300 - I'm not sure, but I believe serial cable required for bulb

D300S - I'm not sure, but I believe serial cable required for bulb

D600 - I'm not sure, but I believe serial cable required for bulb

D700 - I'm not sure, but I believe serial cable required for bulb

D800 - Bulb over USB supported

D5000 - Serial cable required for bulb

D5100 - Serial cable required for bulb

D5200 - Bulb over USB supported

D5300 - Bulb over USB supported

D7000 - Serial cable required for bulb

D7100 - Bulb over USB supported

D7200 - Bulb over USB supported


*** subject to change pending testing ***


The D50, D70, and D3### will not work with BackyardNIKON because there is no SDK available for these models.


A BETA release is eminent, a few more weeks of good to excellent development progress and I'll be close to releasing it for initial testing.


I have a D90, D5100, and D7000 for developing and testing.


Hope this helps,



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I just bought a D40 and a D5300 yesterday... they should be delivered early next week.


This brings my total roaster of Nikons to D40, D90, D5100, D5300, and D7000 for my own personal testing.


I'm working hard on trying to release BackyardNIKON BETA 1 this weekend.  This initial beta will ONLY be to confirm camera connectivity issues... resolve them... then move on the BETA 2 for functionality testing a week or 2 later.


Thank you for your support.



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I have a D800 and have been waiting for BYNIK for more than a year.  I will be extremely happy to help to test.  Because the weather here is not very good, especially this season, I may not have a chance to use the camera and the software under the real sky, but I will do as much as I can on indoor testing.

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Hi, I do use backyard EOS with my T2i but, also own a Nikon D50. I see in the supported cameras this model is not listed

Just wondering why?

Thanks for the hard work you put into your programs.  Backyard EOS is a pleasure to use


Regards Michael


Hi, your post is not clear?  Which camera to you mean?


The T2i is the same as the 550D and it is fully supported in BackyardEOS.


Nikons are not yet support, BackyardNIKON will be release soon thought.  The D50 does NOT have a Nikon SDK so it will not work with Backyard NIKON.


Hope this answers your questions.







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Thanks Guylain

Sorry about the not so clear post

I am currently using Backyard EOS with my T2i..  I also own a Nikon D50 and was hoping to use BackyardNikon when it is released

But, didn't see it as a supported camera in your list.  thanks you did answer my question why the D50 will not be supported!



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Is there a reason a Nikon D70 is not included in the list on BackyardNikon. I use Canon cameras with BYE now but it would be interesting to try my Nikon. Just wondering.



Yes, there is. 


Sadly Nikon does not have any Software Development Kit (SDK) for the D70 so I'm unable to communicate with the camera via software.  For this reason I can't support this model sadly.





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