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BYEOS and Astro Tortilla



I have a basic question. How does Astro Tortilla know what to solve for? How does BYEOS tell Astro Tortilla which object I am looking for? Lets assume I want to take a sub of M33 and I am a couple of degrees off. Astro Tortilla takes a photo and M33 is not in the field. How can it solve for M33 if BYEOS is not telling AT what I am looking for. What am I am missing here? Or is BYEOS giving AT some kind of coordinates (RA/Dec) in order to be able to center the object? Thanks for any clarification.

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4 answers to this question

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Astro Tortilla asks BYE to take a picture. BYE does not know or care where the telescope is pointing. When AT gets the picture it compares the pattern of bright stars in the data against a database (the Astrometry.net Index files) and determines the coordinates (RA and DEC) of the center of the image. AT is also connected to the mount so it knows the pointing position (RA and DEC) of the mount. The pointing position of the mount is going to be the pointing position of the target object (M33 in your example).

So now that AT knows where the mount thinks it is pointing and it also knows the actual pointing position from solving the image, it has a basis for adjusting where the mount is pointing. It simply synchs to the position of the solved image and then re-slews to the target position. In effect it tells the mount here is where you are actually pointing, now re-slew to M33. The process can then be repeated to either move closer to M33 or to confirm that the mount is there.

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Astroman gave you most the mechanics of how AT works.  But to answer your question:  "How do you use AT to successfully Point to M33?"

  1. Find an existing Image of M33 - either from a past Imaging Session or from the Web
  2. In AT, select Tools/Goto Image - select that Image
  3. Let AT Slew and then Image/Solve/Repeat until it has moved the Scope into the Position of that Image
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4 hours ago, astroman133 said:

Astro Tortilla asks BYE to take a picture. BYE does not know or care where the telescope is pointing. When AT gets the picture it compares the pattern of bright stars in the data against a database (the Astrometry.net Index files) and determines the coordinates (RA and DEC) of the center of the image. AT is also connected to the mount so it knows the pointing position (RA and DEC) of the mount. The pointing position of the mount is going to be the pointing position of the target object (M33 in your example).

So now that AT knows where the mount thinks it is pointing and it also knows the actual pointing position from solving the image, it has a basis for adjusting where the mount is pointing. It simply synchs to the position of the solved image and then re-slews to the target position. In effect it tells the mount here is where you are actually pointing, now re-slew to M33. The process can then be repeated to either move closer to M33 or to confirm that the mount is there.

Thanks for your explanation, once the sky clears up (which is rather seldom now) I will see how it all works.

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3 hours ago, s3igell said:

Astroman gave you most the mechanics of how AT works.  But to answer your question:  "How do you use AT to successfully Point to M33?"

  1. Find an existing Image of M33 - either from a past Imaging Session or from the Web
  2. In AT, select Tools/Goto Image - select that Image
  3. Let AT Slew and then Image/Solve/Repeat until it has moved the Scope into the Position of that Image

Thanks for your information, I am quite used to work with AT in other programs but normally they have a system where the software gives already the desired RA/Dec position and I solved with AT if I am really there......But I will try your method . Thanks

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