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New D5500 won't connect



I just downloaded BackyardNikon onto a brand new laptop pc and I have a brand new d5500 I cannot get it to connect. I've tried both driver versions I've made sure wifi was not on and that nothing is on the memory card.


odd thing I noticed when I pick a driver and it goes to the "camera selector (nikon) page the D7000 is highlighted as recently connected... I don't own a D7000


any help would be wonderful





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28 answers to this question

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BYN only needs .Net but the SDK does need the Microsoft 2010 and 2013 c++ redistributable, the x86 version.


Do you have the Nikon and Nikon2015 folders in BYN install folder?  If yes you they contain folders with a few files in each folder?



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SDK is Software Development Kit. In this case it is the Nikon software that BYN uses to communicate with the camera.


If the D5500 is a new camera then it is possible that it has upgraded Nikon firmware. In that case you need to choose the SDK for newer cameras and I would only choose the D5500 model. The other models may be just enough different to cause issues.


One other thought is to re-boot the PC. This has helped others to be able to connect to their Nikon camera because the reboot reloads and resets the driver.

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not tried on any other computer. I went on a shopping spree (wife condoned) just set up all new stuff yesterday. I have an older laptop I could try with windows 8 on it........ tried it on the old laptop and got the MSVCP120.dll is missing msg. Did not get that msg on the new laptop


MSVCP120.dll means your are missing this.  Install both x86 and x64 versions.



Then try again the on old laptop.  


Keep us posted.

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holy crap I got it!!!!!      :D



I compared the C++ items with the old laptop for what was missing and downloaded the missing files.... ended up being I missed the C++ 2013 x86 version



I cannot thank you guys enough for sticking with me on this

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not tried on any other computer. I went on a shopping spree (wife condoned) just set up all new stuff yesterday. I have an older laptop I could try with windows 8 on it........ tried it on the old laptop and got the MSVCP120.dll is missing msg. Did not get that msg on the new laptop

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So the new laptop has Windows 10? Did it come with Windows 10 or was Windows upgraded from an older version?


When you connect the camera to the PC and turn the camera on, Windows should recognize the camera and load the low-level driver. It then makes a distinct sound and the camera should show up in the Windows Device Manager. Does that happen?


It may help to install the Nikon software from the CD that came with the camera, especially if Windows doesn't already have the correct driver for the camera.

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