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backyardeos and canon 350d

Timothy Rego


Using backyardeos with my canon 350d and Hap Griffins cable with his serial to usb cable.

All running under WinXP. all drivers up to date. Trying to take some moon photos the other night.

I find that when I change the shudder speed the photo does not change. If I use say 1\25 sec. and iso 800 in the frame and focus. In the imaging section even if I change the shudder speed to say 1 sec the photo is the same, if I change the iso to say 1600 the photo has not changed. I can however change the shudder speed at the camera but not the iso.


I don't know if the app is not working or the cable is not working, The three usb ports in my computer all work fine.

Am I doing somthing wrong?


Then I tryed the camera with Canons remote and the camera works fine.

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Are you also using a USB cable?  The USB cable is required...The serial cable is used for Bulb exposures.


What is the shooting mode? Manual?


Did you try much shorter exposures, like 1/1000 second?


I would expect that longer shutter speeds, like 1/25" or 1" to show the moon as overexposed.  It may be difficult to tell them apart.


I would think that if the BYE is able to connect with the camera, that BYE would work normally, but some cameras have a communication mode that is something like Print/PTP or Normal/PC.  The correct setting is Normal/PC.


I hope this helps.


Rick Burke

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If you are not using BULB and the serial cable is not needed.


As Rick said the camera supplied USB cable is MANDATORY with or without the serial cable.


Try a longer exposure, say 5 seconds... do you hear the shutter open... then 5 seconds later to you hear the shutter close?


Did you choose the DIGIC II Canon drivers when you connected your camera to BackyardEOS?


Did you set the in-camera menu option "Communication" to "Normal".  It will not work if set to PTP, that mode is for printing.


I have a 350D myself everything is working as expected.


Keep us posted,





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I have been doing astronomy for over 35 years astrophotography for 35 years and didgital photography for 10 years.

I tried the moon last night again. I'm using the usb cable supplied with the canon 350d and using Hap Griffins serial cable with his serial to usb cable.

In Backyardeos the proper camera drivers are loaded the cable test is ok, the shudder fires ok. I take a photo and a photo dowloads from the camera.

I try to change the iso and shudder speed and another photo downloads from the camera with no change. So next I try bulb 2 sec shudder fires photo downloads from camera no change, I change the iso to 1600, 2 sec shudder fires photo downloads no change. next I change the shudder speed at the camera 1/125sec. I don't know at what iso is set because the serial cable blocks the menu on the camera so I can't change the iso at the camera but can change the shudder speed. I take a photo at the 1/125sec. Backyard now shows a shudder speed of 1/125sec. photo downloads from camera we have a photo a little over exposed, at the camera I change the shudder to 1/300sec take another photo

Now we have a nice photo of the moon. Ok I shut down backyardeos turn off the camera pull out the serial cable turn on the camera and the iso is at 200 were I left it the last time I used the camera. i plug in the serial cable back in the camera I start backyardeos connect the camera and setting the shudder speed at the camera proceed to take photos.


Just to be sure I close backyardeos, fire up Canon remote shooting not using the serial cable but only the usb cable I proceed to take moon photos changing the iso and shudder speed at the computer and works fine all shudder speeds and iso setting work up to bulb set from the computer. i must conclude something in backyard is not working. So how do we fix this.




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I have been doing astronomy for over 35 years astrophotography for 35 years and didgital photography for 10 years.

I tried the moon last night again. I'm using the usb cable supplied with the canon 350d and using Hap Griffins serial cable with his serial to usb cable.

In Backyardeos the proper camera drivers are loaded the cable test is ok, the shudder fires ok. I take a photo and a photo dowloads from the camera.

I try to change the iso and shudder speed and another photo downloads from the camera with no change. So next I try bulb 2 sec shudder fires photo downloads from camera no change, I change the iso to 1600, 2 sec shudder fires photo downloads no change. next I change the shudder speed at the camera 1/125sec. I don't know at what iso is set because the serial cable blocks the menu on the camera so I can't change the iso at the camera but can change the shudder speed. I take a photo at the 1/125sec. Backyard now shows a shudder speed of 1/125sec. photo downloads from camera we have a photo a little over exposed, at the camera I change the shudder to 1/300sec take another photo

Now we have a nice photo of the moon. Ok I shut down backyardeos turn off the camera pull out the serial cable turn on the camera and the iso is at 200 were I left it the last time I used the camera. i plug in the serial cable back in the camera I start backyardeos connect the camera and setting the shudder speed at the camera proceed to take photos.


Just to be sure I close backyardeos, fire up Canon remote shooting not using the serial cable but only the usb cable I proceed to take moon photos changing the iso and shudder speed at the computer and works fine all shudder speeds and iso setting work up to bulb set from the computer. i must conclude something in backyard is not working. So how do we fix this.




Hi Timothy,


Just to rule out a BackyardEOS cache issue please do the following to reset the cache.


1) Delete the folder "My Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Cache" folder

2) Turn the camera dial to M

3) Make sure the in-camera menu option 'Communication' is set to 'PC Connection' or 'Normal'; it will not work if set to 'PTP'.

4) Start BackyardEOS and connect the camera, make sure to select DIGIC II drivers in BYE.

5) Try again.


We should be able to make it work, I have the exact same setup and I can not reproduce your error <_>


Oh... before we go any further, can you confirm you have 32 bits Windows and not 64 bits?





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PC Connection is set winxp pro 32.

I will try to reset the chache.

I all ways start the camera with DIGIC II.


Again all works fine with Canon Remote except bulb under winxp.



Thank you Timothy.


For PC Connection I meant the in-camera menu option called "Connection".  Please make sure you have is set to "Normal" or "PC Connection".




Also, which SERIAL cable do you have, the DSUSB cable?  Other brand?


Thank you



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Yes I know about the PC connection set in the camera.

I'm using two cables, the usb cable supplied with the camera and the serial cable with the serial to usb cable from Hap Griffin for the Canon 350d.


Send me your log files and I'll take a look.


They are located in "My Pictures\BackyardTEMP\logs" folder.



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