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Program hangs displaying 'busy'





I have BackyardEOS 3.0.3 installed on an XP32b machine and connected to a 350d camera using a USB and an RS232 serial cable for long exposure.


I've used the program without any problems until now - I've just spent 4 frustrating hours trying to preview a star to get focused correctly by using the preview button but each and every time when I should be getting the picture downloaded, the program simply says 'Busy'. The program is still responsive and I can shut down and restart.


I've tried several reboots of the PC and countless power off / on of the camera as well as battery changes. I have no idea what has happened as all settings on the camera are the same as the last time I used it without issue.


Is the issue the same as posted here? - 



If so is there any advice on how to avoid or recover from the problem or am I stuck with this issue now for good and my camera is no longer going to work with BYEOS?






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BTW  this "hanging on busy"  issue I've been having only seems to occur in the imaging mode not the preview mode. It can occur at anytime during the exposure of the sub.  Sometimes it occurs after the entire exposure has been taken and other times in occurs before the entire sub exposure has been completed.


This is odd.  Have you tried remove the SD card and imaging without a card?  I just want to see the a the card plays a role.  You may have to set a setting in your camera to allow it to take images without a card.



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I have BackyardEOS 3.0.3 installed on an XP32b machine and connected to a 350d camera using a USB and an RS232 serial cable for long exposure.


I've used the program without any problems until now - I've just spent 4 frustrating hours trying to preview a star to get focused correctly by using the preview button but each and every time when I should be getting the picture downloaded, the program simply says 'Busy'. The program is still responsive and I can shut down and restart.


I've tried several reboots of the PC and countless power off / on of the camera as well as battery changes. I have no idea what has happened as all settings on the camera are the same as the last time I used it without issue.


Is the issue the same as posted here? - 



If so is there any advice on how to avoid or recover from the problem or am I stuck with this issue now for good and my camera is no longer going to work with BYEOS?








This issue is not the same as the other post at all, the symptoms are not the same according to both descriptions.


Send me your log file at support@binaryrivers.com and I'll take a look.


Log files are located in "My Pictures\BackyardTEMP\logs".


EDIT: If it use to work and now it does not I'm 100% positive something has changed on your computer and/or camera, we just need to figure it out.








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Hi Guylain,


Thank you for the quick response. I will email you a zip file of the log directory so it includes logs when things were working and tonights events which started just before 11pm on the 26th April.


Depending on what the logs record, you may find increasingly desperate attempts to put things right. At one point I cleared all settings in my camera, uninstalled the COM port and camera from device manager, uninstalled BYEOS and reinstalled and even tried changing the COM port number - all to no avail.


The first few logs will cover me simply powering the camera on/off and rebooting the PC.


One thing I did not mention in my first post was something that has not happened before with the camera. Having set the camera dial to 'M' I plugged in the USB and serial cables and turned the camera on. The exposure was set to bulb but the camera immediately seemed to start an exposure and the display showed a timer counting up in seconds. The only way I could stop this was to press the shutter release. I do not know what caused this or if it might be relevant.


Guylain, thanks again.



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Just to update.


Guylain has looked at the log files and his first impression is that this is a USB issue.


I had tried different cables on the night but each was plugged into the same port on a powered hub.


Sods law - I have set up the PC and camera again using the exact same cables/hub and settings and it has worked. I don't know what could have caused fours hours of frustration but what ever it is it seems intermittent.


If it happens again I will try to by pass the hub and see if it makes any difference.


Excellent support from Guylain.



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Just to update.


Guylain has looked at the log files and his first impression is that this is a USB issue.


I had tried different cables on the night but each was plugged into the same port on a powered hub.


Sods law - I have set up the PC and camera again using the exact same cables/hub and settings and it has worked. I don't know what could have caused fours hours of frustration but what ever it is it seems intermittent.


If it happens again I will try to by pass the hub and see if it makes any difference.


Excellent support from Guylain.




Thank you John.



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I'm the one who had the similar problem in the post you mentioned.  I still am having problems as well.  My camera shut off about 2 hrs in last night after hanging.  I tried to start a new session and it began hanging on the first frame again.  As mentioned by John, this does not occur with preview images.  It seems to only occur with the larger RAW files.  I just recently uninstalled BYEOS and PHD and then re installed.  Everything worked for the first 2 hours, then the hangs began again.  Up until i reinstalled, it would hang on the first image every time.  I made sure to turn off windows auto-updates because it has caused problems before and i turned off my wifi connection as well as Norton AV.  

I've used different USB cables, hub and no hub, and even bought a new camera.  This does not seem to be a hardware issue as  thought prior.  Please let me know if anyone can help.

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I'm the one who had the similar problem in the post you mentioned.  I still am having problems as well.  My camera shut off about 2 hrs in last night after hanging.  I tried to start a new session and it began hanging on the first frame again.  As mentioned by John, this does not occur with preview images.  It seems to only occur with the larger RAW files.  I just recently uninstalled BYEOS and PHD and then re installed.  Everything worked for the first 2 hours, then the hangs began again.  Up until i reinstalled, it would hang on the first image every time.  I made sure to turn off windows auto-updates because it has caused problems before and i turned off my wifi connection as well as Norton AV.  

I've used different USB cables, hub and no hub, and even bought a new camera.  This does not seem to be a hardware issue as  thought prior.  Please let me know if anyone can help.


What version of BYE?


Send me the log files and I will take a look.


A camera shut down is usually not a software issue because software can NOT turn off the camera so the source can not be software if the shutdown occurs before hang.  The the hang occurs before then if could be software related.  The log files should tell me more.


Send them to support@binaryrivers.com. 


The log files are located in "My Pictures\BackyardTEMP\logs"


Thank you

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Hi Guylain,


Well, it's happened again but this time midway through a run. I started just after midnight doing 3 minute exposures and then around 3.30am the camera/program hung with the same 'busy' display as if the program is waiting on the camera.


On this set up I was using a new 1.8m cable and plugging directly into a USB port on the PC (i.e. bypassed the hub).


In case there is something, I've emailed the relevant log file to support.


Hope it helps



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How many USB hubs do you have internal to your PC? A datarate overload can happen just as easily on an internal hub as it can on an external one.



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Hi Guylain,


Just wondering if you had managed to get anything useful in the log file to id the problem?




No yet John.  I'm having a hard time figuring out what is the cause.


If you have another log file with the issue occurring maybe I can find/see a pattern.  Send me another log file if possible.




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Hi Jim,


I'm using a Shuttle PC to control the mount, camera, guide scope. On the rear of the of the PC there are 2 x USB 2 ports one of which I use to feed the hub - the hub has the guidescope and mount plugged. It also used to have the camera plugged in to this (and it did work) but I am now using one of the two front USB ports for this purpose.






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Guylain, this is Jeff Irwin.  I have a Canon Eos Rebel camera and have had the same issues periodically myself.  At times Backyard Eos will freeze during a sub exposure whether it be 1 min or longer.  I have to shut the program down and restart it and re enter the data and can then finish the night's exposures.  Doesn't happen every imaging session but enough to be annoying.  Hoping I can find the answers on this forum.  Thanks.

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BTW  this "hanging on busy"  issue I've been having only seems to occur in the imaging mode not the preview mode. It can occur at anytime during the exposure of the sub.  Sometimes it occurs after the entire exposure has been taken and other times in occurs before the entire sub exposure has been completed.

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