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5D Mk II cannot be interfaced to BackYardEOS



Hello, I don't expect to get my modified old 5D MkII to work with Backyard EOS as it once did but you never know so I'll pose the issue here before I concede defeat.

Issue is the original Canon software disk that came with the 5D installed a utility which then allowed the camera to connect to a PC with a usb cable, then when I discovered Backyard EOS I was hooked for a good number of years. However when I bought an astro camera I let the 5D gather dust also for a good number of years. As well the laptop I used Backyard EOS on and the Canon EOS Solutions disk both were lost to time. Now with a new Comet in the sky I decided to resurrect the Canon 5D camera but I can't get the latest laptop to recognize the camera and as far as I have gotten it to think I need the original Canon EOS Utility software but it does not seem to be out there for me to download. I have tried to install the utility's Canon currently offer to upgrade the camera but it won't work since the camera is not recognized.

Therefore Backyard EOS can't be used to control the camera if the camera won't interface to my laptop, I think if I had the original Canon EOS file Utility that came with the camera installed on my laptop maybe that would provide the means to have my laptop recognize the 5D.

Just wondering if anyone here in this forum happens to have the CD that came with this camera and then I might find a way to get a copy?


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It would be immensely useful to know which version of Windows you are using and which version of BYE you are trying to use.

Windows 8, 10, and 11 should have the needed low level camera driver pre-installed. These are the only versions of Windows that O'Telescope supports for use with BYE or BYN. Older versions such as Windows 7 have out-dated security software that is no longer updated by Microsoft, so O'Telescope had to drop support for those computers.

Because Windows has the necessary driver for Canon cameras, you should not need the Canon EOS Solutions disk that originally came with your camera. That said, an installation kit with that same software should be available from the Canon support web site. However, unless you want to install the Canon EOS Utility to test camera connectivity, there is no software that needs to be installed in order for BYE to control your 5D Mk II.

When you connect a good USB cable between the PC and camera, boot the PC, and power on the camera, Windows should recognize the camera and automatically load the appropriate driver for it. You should then see the camera listed in the Windows Device Manager. If you get that far it means that the cable is good, that Windows is able to recognize the camera. So far, so good.

Assuming that you have downloaded and installed the latest version of BYE, version 3.2.3 or one of the 3.5.0 pre-release version, you should be able to launch it. The next step is to validate your license key. If the last time you used BYE it was a version from before BYE 3.1 was released then you had a multi-license key that was sent to you by the authors of BYE, now O'Telescope. That license key is no longer valid, but can be used to get a new single-line license key that will work for all versions of BYE 3.1.x and later. If you follow the upgrade instructions there is no cost to get a new key.

Once you have completed the license upgrade process your new key will be available under My Purchases -> Orders from the menu bar at the top of this web page.

Once the license key has been validated by BYE, it should have no problem connecting to the 5D Mk II. Just select Canon (not Canon 210) when given the "driver" menu. The Canon 210 option is obselete and should probably be removed as it only causes confusion.

I hope this helps you get started. Please come back if you have additional questions or issues.

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Hey there Rick, I was not expecting so fast a response, many thanks for that. Yes, I should have stated it is windows 11 I am using, and I downloaded the latest BYE. Now that I have read your response I need to try another cable before I go anywhere else with this. I did try a couple to get a comfortable length cord and both caused audible dings which is a good sign, but I could not get BYE to work, and there was some info that popped up but I don't recall what that was as I type here. So I'll retry with several cables I have and record any info that I see should it hit the brick wall when I retry BYE. My license code worked with the latest version I downloaded.

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If you see the camera listed in the Windows Device Manager, then it is likely that the cable is functioning correctly.

Just so we are on the same page...When you say " I could not get BYE to work", what do you mean? It will not connect, it will not take a picture, LiveView does not work?

The more information that you provide, the more targeted the troubleshooting suggestions will be.


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