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I purchased this license...



 about 8 years ago, and I want to return to using it. Unfortunately I have different laptop and desktops now. I cannot get my license to work. Can someone help me please. This website seems to just give you the run around.

 Where and how do I get my license copy? 

 I am also curious if this license expires now....and you have to renew it? I bought it with the thought back then...it was a one time purchase. Can someone please help!!!


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Licenses for versions of BYE 3.1.x and later are still good today with the latest releases of BYE from O'Telescope.

License keys are always available on the O'Telescope web site once you have logged onto the site with the username that you used when you got the license. This username is the only piece of information that you need in order to access your license key, but if you change your email address, you need to update your account settings on the site to maintain the ability to reset your password. To help you remember your username (Identifier) I would suggest storing this information in a Password Vault application. Safeguard this information like you would your social security number and never post your license key to any public forum, including this one. If you forget your logon password, you can change it via the "Forgot your password" link on the logon page.

The easiest way to get your license key is to go to the top of this web page and click on My Purchases in the blue menu bar. Then, to transfer a license key from the My Purchases -> Orders page into the BYE License Validation dialog you need to  Copy the key from the web page and Paste it into the BYE license validation dialog. Then enter your login username as identifier in the license validation dialog. The Identifier field on the license validation dialog is case sensitive. This means that "smith00" and "Smith00" are not recognized as the same Identifier.


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