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BYE crashing in Planetary mode




I'm finding that when using planetary mode, BYE just freezes and then shuts down.  It usually happens if I loop more than once but it's not every time.  Is this something anyone else has encountered and, if so, is there a fix?

BYE version: 3.2.3 Premium Edition

Camera: 70D




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A search of the archives of the BYE Forum showed that the last time a BYE user reported this type of error was several years ago. He upgraded the cabling to resolve it.

The maximum allowed length of a USB 2.0 cable, per the USB standard, is 5 meters (16.4 ft). If you need longer to go longer then you need to get a USB extension cable. The extension cable should restore the signal waveshape to eliminate communication issues. The length for USB 3.0 cables is different.

What cable are you using to connect the camera to the PC? How long is it? I would try a shorter good quality cable as a troubleshooting step. If you are unable to re-create the issue with the shorter cable then it would seem that the long cable is the culprit. You could also try plugging the USB cable to the camera into a different USB port on the computer, preferably one that is on the other side of the computer since it will use a different internal hub.

With a regular USB cable AND a good extension cable, neither cable should be longer than 5 meters.

I hope this helps.


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The initial cable is approx. 2m long and I usually use a 3m extension (which is USB 3.0 I think).  I'll try not using the extension and see if that has an effect.

Re the suggestion of another port, BYE only recognises the camera through one port.  I don't know if that is a Windows issue or not but the port works fine because I can use my mouse in either port.

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BTW, when I say that you should use an extension cable to give yourself more cable length, I am referring to an "active" extension cable. This is more than simply a male-female USB cable with the right connectors on each end. It typically has a bulge at one end that contains circuitry to repair the signal degradation caused by the upstream cable. The active extension cable goes between the PC and the other cable and the other cable plugs into the end with the bulge.

Here is an example showing the ends of a USB 2.0 active extension cable:


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