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Be as specific as possible when reporting issues and *ALWAYS* include the full version number of the application you are using and your exact *CAMERA MODEL*
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Keys are not sent. They are made available on the O'Telescope web site once you have logged onto the site with the username that you used when you got the license. This username is the only piece of information that you need in order to access your license key, but if you change your email address, you need to update your account settings on the site to maintain the ability to reset your password. To help you remember your username (Identifier) I would suggest storing this information in a Password Vault application. Safeguard this information like you would your social security number and never post your license key to any public forum, including this one. If you forget your logon password, you can change it via the "Forgot your password" link on the logon page.

There are 3 types of BYE licenses. A Trial license is purchased via the Store, but is actually free (no credit card needed), and is valid for 30 days. Once applied to an installed copy of BYE it activates all of the features for the 30 day trial period. A Classic license never expires, but only activates some of the features. A Premium license also never expires, and activates all of the product's features. If you have an active or expired Trial license and purchase a Classic or Premium license, you do not need to download or install the software again. You only need to start the program, click on the padlock button and enter your new license key to replace the Trial license with the new purchased license and restart BYE.

License keys are always available

Most users get a Trial license to start with. This gives them a no cost path to verify that BYE is compatible with their camera and their imaging workflow, and to become comfortable with how to use the software. A version of BYE that is using the Trial license "phones home" to the O'Telescope servers every time BYE is started up to verify that the license is still valid. The developers had to adopt this strategy to keep people who didn't want to pay for the software from keeping their Trial license valid indefinitely by setting their time back to the start of the Trial period whenever they wanted to use the software. This can cause a problem if you try to use BYE from a dark sky site with no Internet connectivity while using a Trial license.

I would suggest that you use the Trial license period to test out BYE with your camera and laptop at home where Internet connectivity is not a problem. You can put a lens on the camera and play around with how to capture images and use LiveView for focusing and planetary imaging. Once you are satisfied, you can purchase a paid license and transfer it into the program before going to a remote imaging site.

The easiest way to transfer a license key from the My Purchases -> Orders page on this web site into the BYE License Validation dialog is to Copy the key from the web page and Paste it into the BYE license validation dialog. Then enter your login username as identifier in the license validation dialog. The Identifier field on the license validation dialog is case sensitive. This means that "smith00" and "Smith00" are not recognized as the same Identifier.

If you are trying to use BYE on a PC that is running Windows 7 or earlier you may have a problem validating your BYE license, even with a valid license key and the correct identifier. This is because Windows 7 and earlier use an obsolete version of TLS (Transport Layer Security) that Microsoft is no longer updating on those Windows versions. The O'Telescope servers use a newer version of TLS which comes with Windows 8, 10, and 11. This causes a validation failure and has forced O'Telescope to no longer support the installation of their products on Windows XP and Windows 7.

One other item of concern. If you got a free Trial license, it must be installed in the latest release of BYE. This means the software version must be 3.2.3 or 3.5.0.RC7.

I hope this helps.

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