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updated user manual with BackyardEOS v3.5?



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I followed Michael’s write up but I was still having trouble getting ASTAP/BYE to move my G11 after the plate solve. I had nearly the same set up as Michael, with a Losmandy mount, BYE/BYN, Cartes du Ciel, ASTAP, PHD2…

So I decided to try NINA. But after a frustrating 3 weeks of trying NINA and getting nowhere, I decided to try BYE and ASTAP again.

This time I did two things different. 1. On the main page I realized there was an ASCOM telescope icon. I clicked on it and BYE brought up some info indicating it was now talking directly to the G11. Then, 2. on the Advanced page for plate solving, BYE had already gotten the target info from CdC, so instead of requesting it again I clicked on ‘Plate solve the current image’. (Or a similarly worded option; don’t remember the exact wording.) It ‘solved’ the image I had just taken. (F/7 scope, ISO 8000, 20 sec). After it solved it, I clicked on the ‘Center’ label - and voila! the telescope moved a bit, then moved again, and then the plate solving stopped. The target was centered. After that I set up the imaging page for the ISOs, durations, numbers of exposures, etc. and everything worked fine.

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On 9/10/2024 at 11:09 PM, astroman133 said:

Yes, I am glad that you figured it out. You have to connect BYE/BYN to your mount/telescope before you can solve and slew to center a target.

Did you read the "Plate solving with ASTAP" article in the How To's  Forum? It is pinned as the first article.

Yes I did, but the article didn't mentioned clicking on the ASCOM Telescope button. I supposed most people already know to do that. I didn't. BYE and BYN both have been working fine for me anyway. (I have the pro versions of both.)

Now they're working even better since the plate solving and centering feature is working.

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