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activation error



29 answers to this question

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14 hours ago, admin said:

I just did a remote session with Carbon21.

This issue is 100% a computer/config issue. That particular computer does not have the latest TLS protocol installed on his computer, it has an older 1.0/1.1 TLS version that has been deprecated 2 years ago. I'm pretty certain if he upgrades to TLS 1.2 everything will work.

EXS0/1: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

added keys to the registry for TLS 1.2 but still no luck, so ended up updating laptop to windows 10 and now working. now looking forward to trying it out. props to admin for helping to sort out the issue with me, much appreciated

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The Trial license will only work with the latest release, which is 3.2.2.

A Trial license does require an Internet connection each time you start BYE. 3.1.3 is several years old and will not work. In fact, with it was released, O'Telescope used different servers for license validation that are no longer in service. Use the latest release.

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3 hours ago, Carbon21 said:

have the latest version but still not working have full internet access, real shame as would have bought the full version if working 

You claim to have the latest, great, but in your post above you say you have 3.1.3.... that is not the latest.

Please confirm the version you have downloaded, it must be 3.2.2 or 3.2.3.RC# from the pre-release section. 

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6 hours ago, admin said:

You claim to have the latest, great, but in your post above you say you have 3.1.3.... that is not the latest.

Please confirm the version you have downloaded, it must be 3.2.2 or 3.2.3.RC# from the pre-release section. 

if you read all the posts i initially downloaded 3.2.2 but got activation error, & so looked at the wording of the download  which says trial 3.1 so downloaded that a well to try & got a slightly different error message but still not working, have added rules in windows firewall to allow bye cameras 1 2 3 & 4 restarted but same error. 


anything else i can try, really keen to get this working especially after watching the 2.5 hour youtube intro! 

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6 minutes ago, Carbon21 said:

if you read all the posts i initially downloaded 3.2.2 but got activation error, & so looked at the wording of the download  which says trial 3.1 so downloaded that a well to try & got a slightly different error message but still not working, have added rules in windows firewall to allow bye cameras 1 2 3 & 4 restarted but same error. 


anything else i can try, really keen to get this working especially after watching the 2.5 hour youtube intro! 



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The issue is definitely local to your computer/network. The lack of internet connection error is very specific and is only thrown when the local PC cannot reach the activation server. This would not happen for purchase copy because these will/can validate without internet.

I can confirm with 100% certainty that your key and identifier do work, I have just used them to validate against BYE 3.2.3.RC3, and it did.

BTW, thank you for sending your key by email to us and not posting it here on a public forum, you would not believe how many people think it is okay to post their key on a public forum, including this one.


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I just did a remote session with Carbon21.

This issue is 100% a computer/config issue. That particular computer does not have the latest TLS protocol installed on his computer, it has an older 1.0/1.1 TLS version that has been deprecated 2 years ago. I'm pretty certain if he upgrades to TLS 1.2 everything will work.

EXS0/1: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

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5 hours ago, Carbon21 said:

added keys to the registry for TLS 1.2 but still no luck, so ended up updating laptop to windows 10 and now working. now looking forward to trying it out. props to admin for helping to sort out the issue with me, much appreciated

Glad you made it work

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1 hour ago, astroman133 said:

It would be nice TLS  1.2 could be listed as a prerequisite and that the BYE installer could check for that and flag the incompatibility to the user at install time.

This is a real issue for trial keys only. Though TLS 1.2 is still needed for purchase keys to validate against the server, purchase keys will fall back to a local validation without internet. The installer is unaware of the key the user has, trial or purchase, at install time. This said, it would be possible to somehow let the user know when the actual error thrown is a TLS error, this is known in the exception thrown, so I could catch it and display a proper error.

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20 hours ago, admin said:

did come across this article but isn't for windows 8.1 so didn't help me. I used this article https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/how-to-enable-tls-1-1-tls-1-2-in-windows-7-and-8/ to update the registry keys but still didn't work hence updating finally to windows 10, as it turns out my windows 8.1 activation worked so free update & working software! 

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Thanks for letting us know.

A quick search found this article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/core/plan-design/security/enable-tls-1-2-client

According to the article Windows 8.1 already supports TLS 1.2 natively. Although you may need to enable it by setting registry entries.

Still, upgrading to Windows 10 is probably the better option.

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