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Canon 5D Mark IV constantly disconnects / shuts down while connected



I have a Canon 5D Mark IV and whenever I connect it via USB it constantly shuts down and restarts. I have tried a number of different cables and lengths, from 5' to 15' and in between and nothing helps. Here's the log:


21:04:24  Licensed to ***
21:04:24  BackyardEOS 3.2.2 Premium Edition
21:04:37  Attempting to connect camera...
21:04:37  Canon drivers 'Canon\' initialized.
21:04:38  5D-MkIV CONNECTED!
21:04:38  Unable to set ImageQuality, current setting is assumed!
21:05:38  Unable to set ImageQuality, current setting is assumed!
21:05:40  Unable to set ImageQuality, current setting is assumed!
21:05:45  Imaging session started.
21:08:22  Camera SHUTDOWN!
21:08:44  Attempting to connect camera...
21:08:46  5D-MkIV CONNECTED!
21:08:46  Unable to set ImageQuality, current setting is assumed!
21:09:12  Camera SHUTDOWN!
21:09:20  Attempting to connect camera...
21:09:21  5D-MkIV CONNECTED!
21:09:41  Camera SHUTDOWN!
21:10:02  Copy to clipboard


Please help!


Best regards,


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I would suggest that you install the Canon EOS Utility. Both BYE and the EOS Utility use the same software library from Canon (the EOS SDK) to control the camera. If the EOS Utility works with all of your cables, then that would say that the cables are good. It would also say that there may be some issue with BYE and that model of camera.

It seems as though there is something in the camera that is causing it to shut down. Low battery perhaps? A flaky USB connector in the camera? From the log messages it would seem as though the camera is initiating the shutdown. Do you have a lens on the camera? If not, there may be a setting in the camera that is preventing the camera from connecting because there is no lens. There may be a setting that would allow the camera to take images without a lens connected.

If you have access to another EOS camera that BYN supports you might see if that works with BYE. You might also try a factory reset of the camera to see of there may some setting that you have changed that is interfering with the EOS SDK from connecting with the camera.

The log entries in your post are not the full log. The developers/admins may ask you to email the full log to them. That may have more information about what caused the shutdown. It seems like it was connected for a few minutes before the shutdowh and what you were doing will be in the full log, but not in the log history entries in your post.

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This seems like a usb cable/connection issue. Try a different cable and make sure the connection is properly seated. Also, I've seen at times when a slight cable drag will also cause this, make sure your cable is properly tethered so that it won't cause cable drag.

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