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Bulb only shutter speed?



So my first time to try out the BYE trial edition: 3.2.2.  I have two Canons. The R connected via USB 3.1 port and the Rebel Xsi (450D) via the USB 2.0 on a Windows 7 computer.  My first attempt, also, at using the "(Camera 2)" software simultaneously with main software. Two windows - fine. Autodriver download worked fine.  I created a capture plan "testplan1" in the main window. I saved it and loaded it into the camera2 window.  I then kicked off a Snap of the Xsi and the Camera2 took the planned pictures of my own Canon Box Nebula just fine. However, when flipped back to the main program to execute the same plan with the Canon R, I get the the following messages:

"Bulb must be the only shutter in the plan." "Imaging session cancelled." 

I did not set up the ports to work in a M/S relationship. I was trying to use the two cameras and control windows independently.  Is this where I went wrong somehow.  Why would I be limited to Bulb only on exposure for the Canon R? BTW. Preview did work for the first exposure since it was BULB. Am I running into problems because I don't have the cameras working together? test plan 1 attached. 


test plan 1.txt

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On 8/19/2022 at 3:06 PM, astroman133 said:

They should be able to work together or independently.

If course it should be easy to test. Just connect only the R.

Is the EOS R in BULB shooting mode, in the camera?

Sorry for the delay. I didn't see an email notification.  Yes it was. I typically use C3 as I have it all set up for astropics, and I tried that, and I tried M mode, too. Nothing seemed to let me put in any value less than 1 second.  The camera 2 worked like a champ with my Xsi (450D) using the same txt file. 

I'd try it again today, but my trial verson refuses to believe I am reaching the internet... So how is it I am typing this response to you? No. It's not out of date yet. Sigh. Technology is great... when it works. 


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Regarding the error "Bulb must be the only shutter in the plan." "Imaging session cancelled." 

BULB exposures are 1 second and longer exposures where the start and end of the exposure controlled by you pressing and releasing the shutter button or by BYE performing the same action virtually through the USB cable. Manual exposures are exposures up to 30 seconds in length where the exposure is started when you press the shutter button and ended by the camera when the selected exposure duration is reached. With BYE the program starts the manual exposure but the duration is timed and ended by the camera.

In the EOS R BULB mode and Manual mode separate shooting modes. To switch between BULB and M may require you to change the shooting mode in the camera manually. In this case it would make sense that BULB and Non-BULB exposures cannot be combined in the same capture plan.

This behavior is different for other camera models. With my T5i, and your XSi, BULB is not a shooting mode, it is an exposure, so BULB and non-BULB exposures can be easily combined in the same exposure plan.

I would suggest rebooting your PC and trying later to get BYE to validate your Trial license when it starts up. You may also need to check your Firewall settings to allow BYE to contact the O'Telescope servers to verify your license.



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Not all cameras are created equal. Some have a "B" dial mode for bulb, while others can achieve bulb on "M" dial mode. In addition, very few models with a "B" dial mode will allow changing the dial from "B" to "M" and "B" again. For this reason, most cameras with "B" dial mode cannot have mixed capture plans with Bulb and TV shutter speed in the same plan because it is not possible to change the physical rotary dial on the camera.

Hope this makes sense.

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Quoted Astroman133

Regarding the error "Bulb must be the only shutter in the plan." "Imaging session cancelled." 

BULB exposures are 1 second and longer exposures where the start and end of the exposure controlled by you pressing and releasing the shutter button or by BYE performing the same action virtually through the USB cable. Manual exposures are exposures up to 30 seconds in length where the exposure is started when you press the shutter button and ended by the camera when the selected exposure duration is reached. With BYE the program starts the manual exposure but the duration is timed and ended by the camera.

In the EOS R BULB mode and Manual mode separate shooting modes. To switch between BULB and M may require you to change the shooting mode in the camera manually. In this case it would make sense that BULB and Non-BULB exposures cannot be combined in the same capture plan.

This behavior is different for other camera models. With my T5i, and your XSi, BULB is not a shooting mode, it is an exposure, so BULB and non-BULB exposures can be easily combined in the same exposure plan.

I would suggest rebooting your PC and trying later to get BYE to validate your Trial license when it starts up. You may also need to check your Firewall settings to allow BYE to contact the O'Telescope servers to verify. 


Well, I' m back and this answer explains a lot. Thank you. 

It was quite some time ago but I am sure I tried the test plan in three different camera modes on the Canon R. Bulb mode, which I was sure I got some sort of notice requiring the R to be in; Manual mode and C3 mode which I use for astrophotography, already. It did function properly on the Xsi in Manual mode. 

Now I have a "new" laptop to be used with astrophotography only. The old one had Norton on it and Norton prevented the trial version from working and me from trying to fix it. Between Norton and frequent medical issues with family members, I wasn't able to get full use from the trial version.  Is this the right place to request an extension? 

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