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BYN locks up when trying to slew/nudge using chevrons



Log files below.  Program locks up and mount becomes unstoppable when using the slew/nudge chevrons in BYN.  Telescope is connected to ASCOM Device Hub.  When this happens, it also locks up ASCOM Device Hub and I can't control the mount either. It forces me to manually unplug the mount to get it to stop moving and restart my computer to get the programs to close out.  Nikon d7200. BackyardNIKON 2.1.2 Trial Edition.  Windows 11 laptop.  Please let me know if any other information would be helpful.

Thank you


Referenced in this post, but it was requested to start a new one with this issue: 


logfile-[20220205-08h50m33s578]-[11972]-2022-02-05.txt logfile-[20220205-08h57m16s942]-[9064]-2022-02-05.txt

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Can you nudge the mount from the NSEW buttons in Device Hub without BYN being connected? If not then your issue may be a problem with your telescope driver, but certainly has nothing to do with BYN.

I extracted the folliowing lines from the log file:

2022-02-05 08:51:19,772 [Slew(Up)] INFO  - Telescope can move axis(axisSecondary), count(5)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](2.5, 2.5)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0.2083333, 0.2083333)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0.0208333, 0.0208333)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0.0025, 0.0025)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0, 0)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,812 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   MinMax(2.5,2.5) => Rate(2.5, 10%)

I may be interpreting the log info incorrectly but it seems as though your mount only supports 4 discrete move rates (0.0025, 0.02833, 0.28333 and 2.5 degrees/second). It also appears that BYN has mapped its 10% move rate to 2.5 deg/sec. But the screenshot shows your move rate set at 50%. This may not map to a valid rate for your mount. I also do not see any indication that the move rate went back to 0 when the move button was released.

Finally, the Abort button appears to call the driver's AbortSlew method which throws an unexpected exception. This may be an indication that your telescope driver does not comply with the ASCOM Telescope Specification. AbortSlew can throw exceptions if the driver is not connected to the scope controller (NotConnectedException), if the driver does not support slew aborts (MethodNotImplementedException), or if the scope is parked (ParkedException). If the scope is not slewing, a call to AbortSlew should return without doing anything.

I would try using DeviceHub to test moving and aborting slews. If you are somewhat handy, you could also download the ASCOM Conformance Testing tool from the ASCOM web site and run Conform against your telescope to see if it behaves as expected. Report any failures to the support channel for the telescope driver. This is usually the vendor of the telescope, but could be an independent software developer who wrote the driver.



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1 hour ago, astroman133 said:

Can you nudge the mount from the NSEW buttons in Device Hub without BYN being connected? If not then your issue may be a problem with your telescope driver, but certainly has nothing to do with BYN.

I extracted the folliowing lines from the log file:

2022-02-05 08:51:19,772 [Slew(Up)] INFO  - Telescope can move axis(axisSecondary), count(5)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](2.5, 2.5)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0.2083333, 0.2083333)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0.0208333, 0.0208333)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0.0025, 0.0025)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,796 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   Range[GetEnumerator](0, 0)
2022-02-05 08:51:19,812 [Slew(Up)] INFO  -   MinMax(2.5,2.5) => Rate(2.5, 10%)

I may be interpreting the log info incorrectly but it seems as though your mount only supports 4 discrete move rates (0.0025, 0.02833, 0.28333 and 2.5 degrees/second). It also appears that BYN has mapped its 10% move rate to 2.5 deg/sec. But the screenshot shows your move rate set at 50%. This may not map to a valid rate for your mount. I also do not see any indication that the move rate went back to 0 when the move button was released.

Finally, the Abort button appears to call the driver's AbortSlew method which throws an unexpected exception. This may be an indication that your telescope driver does not comply with the ASCOM Telescope Specification. AbortSlew can throw exceptions if the driver is not connected to the scope controller (NotConnectedException), if the driver does not support slew aborts (MethodNotImplementedException), or if the scope is parked (ParkedException). If the scope is not slewing, a call to AbortSlew should return without doing anything.

I would try using DeviceHub to test moving and aborting slews. If you are somewhat handy, you could also download the ASCOM Conformance Testing tool from the ASCOM web site and run Conform against your telescope to see if it behaves as expected. Report any failures to the support channel for the telescope driver. This is usually the vendor of the telescope, but could be an independent software developer who wrote the driver.



Device Hub does nudge correctly NSEW with or without BYN connected.  The 4 slew rates look like the correspond to the rates in the Device Hub (see image).

Device Hub rates.jpg

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