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Image saved format in PLANITARY image mode



Using a Nikon D-610 with a Celestron SCT C6" OTA.

Is there any way to change the image saved type from JPG to TIFF or PNG?

I notice that when imaging a target on my office wall in the PLANITARY module the resulting JPG file has artifacts along the straight lines and edges is considerable. 

I'm wondering if this will have any effect the final stacked image.  I see the AVI file also has the JPG artifacts since it also is a compilation of JPG images.



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Is there any way to change the image saved type from JPG to TIFF or PNG?

JPGs are how the data is being sent to BYN from the Nikon SDK. You may be able to use some batch 3rd party conversion tool to convert the JPG files to a different image type, but you need to be sure that whatever processing tool you are using can process them in some alternate format. Performing any type of conversion on-the-fly as the data is being downloaded from the camera would also slow down the frame rate which would defeat the purpose of the "lucky imaging" approach to mitigating seeing in planetary imaging.

I notice that when imaging a target on my office wall in the PLANETARY module the resulting JPG file has artifacts along the straight lines and edges is considerable. 

If the artifacts are in the captured images, they should still be visible in the converted TIFF, PNG, etc. I would not expect that any straight conversion would magically remove the artifacts, without some kind of processing.

I'm wondering if this will have any effect the final stacked image.  I see the AVI file also has the JPG artifacts since it also is a compilation of JPG images.

You are assuming that the artifacts are  due to the image being in a JPG format. This may be an incorrect assumption. I believe that you answered your own question here. If you see artifacts in the individual JPG images and you see artifacts in the AVI file that is created from the individual JPG images then I would expect that you might need to apply processing steps outside of BYN to clean them up.

It is possible that the source JPG images are slightly out-of-focus. Since you are testing indoors on a scene that does not contain stars, you might try to use the StdDev focus metric, as described in the User Manual, to get better focus before capturing a Planetary video.

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