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Camera connection issue - Windows 11 via Parallels on M1 Mac



Having the most difficult time. I keep getting a connection timeout error (mosquito sound) when trying to connect my Z6. I am running Windows 11 via Parallels on my new M1 MacBook Pro.


For what it's worth, the camera appears as a "MTP Portable Device" in my device manager under "Portable Devices." On my old windows laptop, it was always shown correctly as the "Z 6." It also worked perfectly with the same cable so I know that's not the issue.


Any ideas?

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I am not a Parallels user, but others have been successful configuring Parallels and Bootcamp to run BYE/BYN to control their camera. One thing that seems to be tricky is to configure Parallels to allow Windows to see the Mac's USB ports.

You should see it in the Device Manager NOT as an MTP or PTP device. MTP is for downloading pictures from the camera's memory card. If you find the MTP device in the Device Manager, I would delete the driver and re-connect the camera to the PC. When Windows recognizes the new camera and asks what you want to do with it your answer should be "Take No Action". Then you should see the camera as an imaging device and BYN should connect with no issues.

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2 hours ago, astroman133 said:

I would delete the driver and re-connect the camera to the PC. When Windows recognizes the new camera and asks what you want to do with it your answer should be "Take No Action". 

The "what do you want to do" doesn't even appear for me. When I uninstall the device and/or delete the driver, as soon as I plug it back in, it labels it as an MTP USB device.

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If Windows 11 does not see the camera then there is no way that BYN will be able to connect with it.

I found this thread that in the end suggests that there may be an issue with how Parallels recognizes and loads the low-level camera driver.


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