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Setting Up Temperhum



Hi, I'm new here (my first post) and I'm trialling BYEOS with a view to buying the premium version if it works OK for me. 


I've done a few rudimentary things - live view, a few snapshots etc and things look good but I've noticed that Temperhum is reading incorrectly - the actual temp here is 31.13C and dew point 9.29C (it's daytime in Australia) and BYEOS is reading -14C and -29.6C.  I tried fiddling with calibration temperatures but it's not clear what I need to put in to make it work.  The Help PDF just says to connect it up and that BYEOS is compatible with Temperhum versions 1 and 2.  The version number on my Temperhum S/W is 22.1


The Temperhum works correctly with its own software and with another piece of astro-photography software I'm trialling at the same time.

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I had a similar problem in that the version I had, the temperature and humidity were wildly out. It is reading numbers like 700C and 8000% such that the calibration will not fix it as it only accepts numbers to 999. I decided to use the text file option in BYE instead. I used the supplied app that comes with the TEMPerHUM to write the text file and got BYE to read it. The only problem with this is that BYE uses fixed length and position parsing to read the file and the positioning is not always fixed within the file due to it having a line number and dropping trailing zeros etc. I overcame this by writing an intermediate script that reformats the output into fixed lengths. I would suggest that this approach would potentially future proof BYE from new versions of TEMPerHUM. To eliminate the intermediate script I suggest that BYE be changed to scan text files by either, as-is fixed position and length or relative position based on a separator character.

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It seems the calibration is in degrees C, regardless of your preferred BYEOS setting?


At least for me I had to multiply the F difference by 5/9ths to get the reading to be correct.


BYEOS F reading with zero cal: 4.5F TemperHum software reading: 81.56


delta F = 77.06


In C = 77.06 *5/9 = 42.81


so 42.81 goes in the BYEOS calibration settings to display the correct temp in degrees F.





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Yeah something else if goofy too. As pointed out in another thread on this the needed correction factor is different for different temps.


Seems like the TemperHum is giving you Celsius and you're not doing the conversion to Fahrenheit  correctly?


But it also seems like the humidity doesn't track either so I don't know what the issue(s) could be.



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Yeah something else if goofy too. As pointed out in another thread on this the needed correction factor is different for different temps.


Seems like the TemperHum is giving you Celsius and you're not doing the conversion to Fahrenheit  correctly?


But it also seems like the humidity doesn't track either so I don't know what the issue(s) could be.




That is probably it. All TEMPerHUM provides the temperature reading in Celsius natively.  The Fahrenheit conversion is all software based so this is probably where the bug is.


Thanks again,

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Hi Richard... and welcome!


Not all TEMPerHUM are created equal.  There are several versions out there and they use different drivers.  I try to keep up but it's not always easy.


In any event, using the calibration should fix that.


To calibrate your TEMPerHUM device do the following:


  1. Find a good reliable temperature and humidity source (a home barometer, the weather network, a web site) for your location.
  2. Plug your TEMPerHUM device in BackyardEOS.
  3. Enter the difference in temperature in the TEMP calibration; being TEMP in step #1 - TEMP from the TEMPerHUM device in BYE.  This would be 31.13C - -14C = +30.13C.  Enter 30.13 in TEMP Calibration.
  4. Enter the difference in humidity the HUM calibration; being HUMidity in step #1 - HUMidity from the TEMPerHUM device in BYE.  Enter the result in HUM Calibration.
  5. Do not worry about DEWPOINT.  It is calculated from the temperature and humidity automatically.

Hope this helps,



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Thanks for the quick response Guylain.


I had actually already tried that and BYEOS then reads the temperature correctly, but it doesn't seem to change the reading as quickly as the Temperhum temperature changes, so I thought that couldn't be the answer.  How frequently does BYEOS poll the temperhum data?

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I bought a TemperHum and it's FW version is TEMPerHumM 12V1.2.

With BYE 3.0.3 and 3.1.0, the temperature reading is not correct even calibration Temp is applied.(All readings are Celsius)


Followings are tested with BYE 3.1.0.

When Ta is around 21 degree C, give the calibration value -193.2 degree C.

After that increasing the temperature and compare BYE reading and Tools of TEMPerHUM(TEMPerHUM V24.4.4) reading.


When temprature is 29.2 by TEMPer, the reading of BYE is 51.4. (also 21.0 by TEMPer, BYE is 21.0)

I got some another point and got the relation between these two are linear relation as;


BYE reading = 3.7975 x TEMer reading -59.04


It seems BYE cannot handle this version of TEMPer rawoutput, since I put the another thermometer aside of this and TEMPer reading seems to be correct.

Please let me know to help this issue fix.




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