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Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON on Nikon D2H in Win 7



 My camera is on. Card has been cleared. Powered on off but am getting a error when using this trial below is the log file info:


2020-07-11 22:02:30,291 [Main] INFO  - BackyardNIKON started!
2020-07-11 22:02:30,306 [Main] INFO  - Built on 2019-12-22
2020-07-11 22:02:30,306 [Main] INFO  - Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
2020-07-11 22:02:30,322 [Main] INFO  - O'Telescope Dependencies Registration.
2020-07-11 22:02:31,180 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers.ASCOM.Platform60 Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,180 [Main] INFO  - ASCOM platform version 6.0 not found.
2020-07-11 22:02:31,180 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers IAutofocusProvider Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> BinaryRivers.IAutofocusProvider.Beginner was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> BinaryRivers.IAutofocusProvider.Advance was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers IAviEncoder Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> ByteScout was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> VirtualDub was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers ICableProvider Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> DSUSB
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> DSUSB2
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM1
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM2
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM3
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM4
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM5
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM6
2020-07-11 22:02:31,195 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM7
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM8
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM9
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM10
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM11
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM12
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM13
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Serial COM14
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM1
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM2
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM3
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM4
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM5
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM6
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM7
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM8
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM9
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM10
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM11
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM12
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM13
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> Relay COM14
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers ICableProvider Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - --> DSUSB_D40
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - Registration of Nikon Camera Controller Classes
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - Nikon Camera Controller was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - Nikon2015 Camera Controller was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BackyardEOS Simulator Camera Controller Classes
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - Simulator Camera Controller was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,211 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers.ISkinPlus Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Red (default)
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> White
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Green
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Aquamarine
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Silver
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Khaki
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> LightSteelBlue
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Yellow
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> LightPink
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Pink
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - Registration of Image Loader Classes
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> [GdRawImageProvider] image loader provider was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> [GdJpgImageProvider] image loader provider was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers IDitherProvider Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> PHD
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> ASCOM
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> MetaGuide
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> MGen
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - Registration of Focus Metric Algorithm Classes
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Full Width Half Maximum was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Half Flux Diameter was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - --> Standard Deviation was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,227 [Main] INFO  - Registration of Image Converter Classes
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> ConvertToTIFF was registered
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers IDitherProvider Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> PlateSolve2
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - Registration of BinaryRivers IWeatherProvider Implementations
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> TEMPerHUMv1
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> StickStation
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> TEMPerHUMv2
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> TextFile
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> MBox
2020-07-11 22:02:31,242 [Main] INFO  - --> PegasusPowerbox
2020-07-11 22:02:31,258 [Main] INFO  - Culture is set to English
2020-07-11 22:02:31,258 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------
2020-07-11 22:02:31,258 [Main] INFO  - C:\Users\justyna\Pictures\BackyardTEMP
2020-07-11 22:02:31,258 [Main] INFO  - C:\Users\justyna\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Logs
2020-07-11 22:02:31,258 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------
2020-07-11 22:02:31,258 [Main] INFO  - 4 CPU(s), Processor Affinity is not SET
2020-07-11 22:02:31,991 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------
2020-07-11 22:02:31,991 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'Disconnected'
2020-07-11 22:02:32,007 [Main] INFO  - Removing exiftool.config
2020-07-11 22:02:35,891 [Main] INFO  - Starting Tcp Server on port : 1502
2020-07-11 22:02:35,891 [TcpServer] INFO  - Starting Tcp Listener
2020-07-11 22:02:35,891 [TcpServer] INFO  - Tcp server : waiting for client connection...
2020-07-11 22:02:35,969 [Main] INFO  - Licensed to adambessell
2020-07-11 22:02:36,265 [Main] INFO  - BackyardNIKON 2.0.11 Trial Edition
2020-07-11 22:02:37,467 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'FirePropertyValues'
2020-07-11 22:02:37,919 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'FirePropertyValues'
2020-07-11 22:02:38,091 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'FirePropertyValues'
2020-07-11 22:02:38,278 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'FirePropertyValues'
2020-07-11 22:02:38,278 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'MaestroInitializeSdkOnStartup'
2020-07-11 22:02:38,621 [Main] INFO  - Camera state changed: 'Disconnected'
2020-07-11 22:02:38,824 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------
2020-07-11 22:02:38,824 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'Disconnected'
2020-07-11 22:02:46,031 [ReadWeatherCenter(Normal)] DEBUG - No weather provider configured.
2020-07-11 22:02:51,366 [Main] DEBUG - IconPlus_MouseClick(iconMaximize = '')
2020-07-11 22:02:54,580 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(btnConnect = 'Connect')
2020-07-11 22:02:54,689 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------
2020-07-11 22:02:54,689 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'Connecting'
2020-07-11 22:03:02,583 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(btnCam1 = 'For most models generaly manufactured after 2016, or older models with recent 2016 firmware update (DEFAULT)')
2020-07-11 22:03:05,890 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(buttonPlus6 = 'D2')
2020-07-11 22:03:05,921 [Main] INFO  - Attempting to connect camera...
2020-07-11 22:03:05,921 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'MaestroChoose'
2020-07-11 22:03:05,937 [Main] DEBUG - Nikon drivers 'Type0000_D2/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.0\Nikon\Type0000_D2\D2_Mod.md3' is loading...
2020-07-11 22:03:06,030 [Main] INFO  - Nikon drivers 'Type0000_D2/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.0\Nikon\Type0000_D2\D2_Mod.md3' initialized.
2020-07-11 22:03:06,389 [Main] INFO  - Nikon/D2 drivers initialized.
2020-07-11 22:03:06,919 [5] INFO  - Camera state changed: 1 = 'CameraAdded'
2020-07-11 22:03:07,465 [Main] INFO  - Loaded devices...
2020-07-11 22:03:07,465 [Main] INFO  - +-- device(D2H) Module(D2) loaded.
2020-07-11 22:03:07,465 [Main] INFO  - Device(D2H) Module(D2) found!
2020-07-11 22:03:07,481 [Main] INFO  - Device(D2H) Module(D2) found!
2020-07-11 22:03:07,481 [5] INFO  - Camera D2H D2 is available
2020-07-11 22:03:07,481 [Main] INFO  - PLEASE CONTACT US with the above information, looks like your we may need to make a few adjustment to fully support your camera.  We have our fingers crossed.
2020-07-11 22:03:07,481 [Main] INFO  - Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON :)
2020-07-11 22:03:07,600 [Main] INFO  - Camera state changed: 'Disconnected'
2020-07-11 22:03:07,840 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------
2020-07-11 22:03:07,840 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'Disconnected'
2020-07-11 22:03:07,840 [Main] ERROR - Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON :)
2020-07-11 22:03:07,840 [Main] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.NikonCameraManager.LoadCameraModelForDevice(CameraController controller, String device)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.CameraController.ConnectCamera(String usbport)
   at BinaryRivers.Common.ProviderInterfaces.Camera.CameraControllerBase.Connect(String usbport)
   at BinaryRivers.Orchestrator.MaestroCameraDslrExtension.CameraConnect(Maestro maestro, String drivername, Boolean postchoose)
2020-07-11 22:03:43,389 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(btnViewLogFolder = 'Open log folder')
2020-07-11 22:03:46,789 [ReadWeatherCenter(Normal)] DEBUG - No weather provider configured.
2020-07-11 22:04:25,620 [Main] DEBUG - IconPlus_MouseClick(iconClose = '')
2020-07-11 22:04:27,882 [Main] DEBUG - IconPlus_MouseClick(iconMaximize = '')
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