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Issues with Registax6, again!

Dirty Harris


Hey Guylain, this is more informative than problematic, a short while back you may recall I had some issues with Registax6, (May of 2019) not working well at times, unable to "WRIGHT TO CERTAIN PROGRAMS" even had to run it as "Administrator" etc.? Finally just un-installed it and waited until Dec. to try again. Downloaded it about a week ago, this time all seemed A-OK. Just 24hrs. later I lost all audio, speakers, headphones and all. I exhausted every avenue that Window's and Microsoft suggested, with various trouble shooters, no go! It was not as though they were simply "Muted" they were disconnected! So the laptop goes to the shop for I.T. Drs. to examine. They tell me that evidently, a virus+malware road in on the coat tail with Registax6. The virus chewed up the audio card part of the motherboard, hence, no audio! Could cost several $$$ to repair, in the meantime an external USB patchcord and speaker is my audio. I'm also told this is a common problem with free software (Firecap, SharpCap, AutoStakkert2, Registax6, etc) I don't know if anyone else has had a similar experience, but thought you might like to be aware. By the way, "NORTON SECURITY" indicated it was a safe site.

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It has unfortunately been a common practice for Miscreants to spread Malware by packaging it with commonly downloaded Software - especially older Software that is no longer actively supported by its Owner / Creator.  All that one can do is be decently Vigilant, and take common steps to ensure that your Malware / Anti-Virus Software is Updated and Turned ON;  And configured to Scan all Files / Packages as they are Downloaded (different than just checking "Safe Site" status).  Often the Website Operators have No Knowledge of what is Packaged in the Files offered for Download (that's how this all works...)

I hope that your "IT Doctors" set you up with Active Malware / Anti-Virus Protection as part of their Repair.

It is very Unusual that ANY Virus or Malware could Physically Damage any part of a Motherboard.  Motherboards are designed with Hardware Protection Circuits for almost ALL forms of Over-Voltage / Over-Current / Over-Temperature / Over-Humidity conditions.  Perhaps your Audio Component Issues are only Coincidental.  But in any case, glad that you were able to find a Solution.

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