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MacOS Mojave + Boot Camp +5D = Backyard EOS Not Possible?



I have a Macbook Pro with MacOS Mojave installed.

I got Boot Camp up and running, and installed Windows 10. I was hoping to get my 5D mkII running with my laptop.

After trying to run BYE, I realized that it only runs on 32 bit Windows with the 5d. I believe I understand why (googled it.)

I downloaded the 32 bit ISO of Windows 10 and tried to install it using the Boot Camp assistant, and learned that it's not possible to install 32 bit Windows on MacOS Mojave. MacOS Mojave only supports Windows 10 64 bit:

Will I have to downgrade my MacOS in order to be able to install a 32 bit version of Windows, so that I can still run MacOS and Windows on the same Macbook Pro and use my 5D with BYE? I've tried to find the answer to this on this forum, and on Google, and a few other astrophotography forums, and I can't find anything.

I'm hoping there's an easy solution, but I'm scared that there isn't.


Screen Shot 2019-01-20 at 1.57.11 AM.png

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According to the supported cameras table, the 5D Mk II IS supported on 64-bit versions of Windows. It is the DIGIC II cameras like the original 5D that require 32-bit Windows. This is because Canon discontinued the DIGIC II models and has not written 64-bit drivers for them.

Also, BYE is a 32-bit app, but 32-bit apps run perfectly fine on 64-bit versions of Windows. This is because Windows 64-bit versions include a subsystem called SysWoW64 just to provide that capability.

This has been discussed many times in this forum.

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I might be speaking without having enough knowledge, but I worked on this project (getting BYE to work on with the 5d mkII on Mojave with Bootcamp/Win64) for about 12 hours yesterday, and at least half of that was research time. Had I seen the camera compatibility chart, that might have solved my problem earlier, but not for sure, though, as it seems that the in-app documentation/text is incorrect.

When I fired up the app and tried to connect to the 5D mkII, I saw this screen, and noticed the highlighted details:



When I search the internet to find out when the 5d mkII was manufactured and which DIGIC processor it has, I found this:




After seeing that, I tried the Canon 215 drivers in BYE, because that's what appears to be correct. That didn't work.

Then I tried the Canon 210 drivers in BYE, because it specifically says "5D" in BYE next to the 210 drivers (although admittedly note the mkII). That didn't work, either.

I didn't even try the "regular" Canon drivers (the top of the list in BYE) because it reads "DIGIC 5/6/7 manufactured after 2014"...which is definitely not the 5D mkII.

Based on your reply, astroman133, I did find the camera compatibility chart, which says that the 5D mkII is compatible with 64 bit Windows. So I tried the "regular" drivers in BYE, and that's letting me connect.

I'm working on the Mac side of the partition right now, so I can't test that all of the features are working, but I will test this evening.

Thanks for your help, astroman133.


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Why wouldn't you try the 3rd option? It is such an easy thing to do. That said, since your 5D Mk II is still supported by Canon in the current versions of the SDK, both Canon and Canon215 should work. I would use the newer SDK (Canon).

I don't know what you mean by "So I tried the "regular" drivers in BYE, and that's letting me connect. " What regular drivers? Is your problem now solved?

If you have additional issues getting BYE to work on your Mack, please create a new post for each issue.


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astroman133, by “regular drivers” I mean the ones that are labeled “Canon”, not Canon 210 or Canon 215.

I didn’t bother trying “Canon” for the reasons I stated above, in my second post. If you look at that post, you’ll see that the 5D mkII was built in 2008 and uses Digic IV. The in-app instructions in BYE are clear...for a camera that uses Digic IV and was manufactured between 2008 and 2014, use Canon 215 drivers. I thought it was a stretch to even try the 210 drivers, since the in-app instructions mention 5D (although not mkII).

I always assume that in-app instructions are clear and correct, as they almost always are, so why would I even try the drivers for cameras with Digic 5/6/7 that were manufactured after 2014? There’s nothing about the 5D mkII that matches that description, other than “it’s a Canon camera”.

Using “regular canon” drivers in BYE (not 210 or 215, just “Canon”) has allowed me to connect to the camera. I’m going to finish watching the big 2+ hour (awesome) tutorial this evening, and put my configuration through some tests to make sure it’s working properly. 

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I agree that the labeling can be misleading, but you may have mis-read the release date of the 5D Mk II. It was announced as the successor of the original 5D in 2008, but was not released until March 2012. That said, your camera should be supported in the 2.15 version of the SDK, unless you have had the firmware upgraded. Upgraded firmware may require a version of the SDK that is newer than the release date of the firmware.

What those labels actually mean are the following:

Canon 210 - EOS cameras that were supported in the 2.10 version of the Canon SDK. This includes cameras that were supported when that version was released (March 2011), as long as they have not had a firmware upgrade.

Canon 215 - EOS cameras that were supported in the 2.15 version of the Canon SDK. This includes cameras that were supported when that version was released (September 2014), as long as they have not had a firmware upgrade.

Canon        - EOS cameras that are supported with the most recent release of the Canon SDK that is included with your version of BYE. For BYE 3.1.17 RC2 includes version 3.6.30 of the SDK that has a release date of July 2017 and works with all models that were supported as of that date.

Version 3.6.1 of the SDK, dated 7.24.2017, supports the following camera models:

  • EOS-1D Mark IIIEOS 40D
  • EOS-1Ds Mark III
  • EOS DIGITAL REBEL Xsi/450D/ Kiss X2
  • EOS 50D
  • EOS 5D Mark II
  • EOS Kiss X3/EOS REBEL T1i /EOS 500D
  • EOS 7D
  • EOS-1D Mark IV
  • EOS Kiss X4/EOS REBEL T2i /EOS 550D
  • EOS 60D
  • EOS Kiss X5/EOS REBEL T3i /EOS 600D
  • EOS Kiss X50/EOS REBEL T3 /EOS 1100D
  • EOS 5D Mark III
  • EOS 1D X
  • EOS Kiss X6i/EOS 650D/EOS REBEL T4i
  • EOS M
  • EOS 6D
  • EOS-1D C
  • EOS Kiss X7i/EOS 700D /EOS REBEL T5i
  • EOS Kiss X7/EOS 100D/EOS REBEL SL1
  • EOS 70D
  • EOS M2
  • EOS Kiss X70/EOS 1200D/EOS REBEL T5/EOS Hi
  • EOS 7D Mark II
  • EOS 5DS / EOS 5DS R / EOS REBEL T6s / EOS 760D / EOS 8000D / EOS REBEL T6i / EOS 750D / EOS Kiss/X8i / EOS M3
  • EOS-1D X Mark II / EOS 80D / EOS Rebel T6 / EOS 1300D / EOS Kiss X80 / EOS M10
  • EOS 5D Mark IV
  • EOS Kiss X9i / EOS Rebel T7i / EOS 800D / EOS 9000D / EOS 77D / EOS M5 / EOS M6
  • EOS 6D Mark II / EOS Kiss X9 / EOS Rebel SL2 / EOS 200D

This list was taken directly from the SDK documentation. Errors and omissions were made by Canon.

It would certainly be difficult to put all of that information into the driver selection dialog.

I would also say that Canon releases new cameras all the time, but only updates the SDK once or twice a year. This means that it can take up to several months after a camera is released before that model is supported by the SDK to allow 3rd party developers to use it. Canon even complicates things more by releasing the same version of the SDK on different continents at different times. So it could be released in the US months after it was released in Asia or Europe. They also prevent developers from downloading the SDK until it is released for their region.

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Thanks for that. That's very helpful! :) 

I indeed think my issue was that I had the release date wrong. And I'm almost positive that this 5D mkII has the updated firmware, which would explain why "Canon" worked for me.

There are definitely too many models to fit in the driver selection dialog, but I think the problem can be fixed by just saying "There are is a large combination of cameras, firmware releases, and drivers. If one driver selection doesn't work, try the others."

The entire documentation seemed to be very meticulous, leading me to believe that there just wasn't any way that it could be the "Canon" driver for me. Even if I did get the release date of the 5D mkII correctly, I still would have had the wrong driver selection, based on the firmware update.

I'm just thrilled that I got this working (tested out about an hour's worth of exposures indoors today), and it seems to work great! :)


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