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API or command-line control?



I thought I had seen this somewhere, but can't find it now.

Is there an API for external control of BYE, or a comprehensive command-line control-ability? My use case is to start BYE recording planetary video of Mars at opposition late at night when it's nearly overhead,while I'm in bed. I have to get up and work in the morning, and being able to control BYE somehow so that it would start shooting at a specified time would be a nice addition. The rest of my control-ability is already there: I can start PHD and just let it run, and I can use SGP to do an autofocus run, but I can't come up with a way to get BYE to do a planetary recording run at a specified time. Even command-line parameters so that I could start up BYE at a specified time, connect to the camera, and start shooting, would be workable.

Any suggestions?

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11 minutes ago, dkerber said:

I thought I had seen this somewhere, but can't find it now.

Is there an API for external control of BYE, or a comprehensive command-line control-ability? My use case is to start BYE recording planetary video of Mars at opposition late at night when it's nearly overhead,while I'm in bed. I have to get up and work in the morning, and being able to control BYE somehow so that it would start shooting at a specified time would be a nice addition. The rest of my control-ability is already there: I can start PHD and just let it run, and I can use SGP to do an autofocus run, but I can't come up with a way to get BYE to do a planetary recording run at a specified time. Even command-line parameters so that I could start up BYE at a specified time, connect to the camera, and start shooting, would be workable.

Any suggestions?

Never mind; I just found the API doc on your web site!


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