About This File
Take control over your Canon DSLR. Purpose built for astrophotography.
What's New in Version 2013-10-20
- New Feature: Canon 1D Mk IV support.
- Change: Canon RAW image loading performance tweaks.
- Change: ASCOM Focuser refactoring. (Premium)
- Change: ASCOM Filter Wheel refactoring. (Premium)
- Change: ASCOM Telescope complete rewrite for EQ and AltAz mounts. (Premium)
- Change: More logging in the event troubleshooting an issue is required.
- Change: Box grid added back in V3 as per 2.0.9.
- Change: License key entry window is now saying you need to enter all 5 lines :)
- Change: In-camera mirror lock is now reset to OFF after each image session.
- Change: A test PHD connection has been added in Setting dialog.
- Bug Fix: TEMPerHUM calibration settings.
- Bug Fix: Small fix when closing BYE while background images were still being processed.
- Bug Fix: Multi-threaded operations object serializer and context bound fix.
- Bug Fix: Thumbnail click event cleanup.
- Bug Fix: Reduce chattiness with camera with more property readings.
- Bug Fix: Frame and Focus gray scale image for FWHM.
- Bug Fix: Virtual mirror lock is activated only if you set 'mirror lock > 0' in capture plan.
- Bug Fix: File renaming optimization.
- Bug Fix: Rare (but possible) deadlock in Frame & Focus leading to BYE freezing.
- Bug Fix: Decimal point(comma) fix for bulb duration for plate solving with AstroTortilla.