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D810A support



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Nikon sent me a D810A for testing last week but FedEx gave them grief and it was sent back to Nikon before I could get my hand on it.   I should be getting one in 2 weeks so I'll be able to test it first hand.  I did however get the SDK pre-release from Nikon but I need the camera to confirm a few things first. 


Hope this helps,



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It looks like the SDK is officially released.

It is on the list here, the first on the list.





Yeah, thank you for the hint.


I'll download the official release as I'm not allowed to distribute the pre-release.  As soon as I get my D810a next week I should be able to make it work in just a few days.  Fingers crossed.  We are almost there.



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Hi Huey,


I'm still waiting for Nikon to send me the SDK.  They said last week that I should be getting it soon.




hi Guylain,


glad to hear that, I am packing my gears and hope I can use BYN with D810A on Mauna Kea next week! Let's keep in touch.





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Yes, LENR is automatic and is a by-product of BYN/BYE design.  Basically it waits for the image do download before going for the next exposure.  Since LENR is done by the camera and it provides the image only once it is done BYN/BYE waits for it.



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Hi Huey,


Sorry but I don't think this will get done before your trip.  I'll still waiting for the SDK :(



hi Guylain,


no worries, I will switch back to "manual" for a while, thanks for your help anyway. I am happy to help you to do the test, keep in touch.




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The D810a is not supported yet because the SDK is not yet released.  As soon as it is I should be able to support it... providing someone with a D810a is willing to run a few tests :)


EDIT:  But as Rick said it may work if the D810 and D810a uses the same SDK.  I won't know until someone tries it :)



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The D810a is not supported yet because the SDK is not yet released.  As soon as it is I should be able to support it... providing someone with a D810a is willing to run a few tests :)


EDIT:  But as Rick said it may work if the D810 and D810a uses the same SDK.  I won't know until someone tries it :)




hi Guylain,


Yes I have a D810a under test. I am willing to do the test for you. Please contact me if you want, thanks.


I have used BYN 1.01 to test, but it cannot recognize the D810a.


so far I have also tried tethering by Lightroom, DSLR dashboard. LR cannot recognize it, DSLR dashboard can recognize it and control it sometimes, but not very stable.





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Unlike with Canon's 60Da Astro-"Conversion" (absolutely No Mods were made to the Firmware or Processors - only a Different-strength IR-Filter), the literature for the Nikon D810A makes it clear that there are Substantial (if perhaps inconsequential within the Firmware) Changes such as a new "Long-exposure Manual mode" ("M*") and a new "Live-View Preview mode for Exposures over 30s".  AND they provide Dual-Color LED/LCD Displays in the Optical Viewfinder...


All of this does support the consideration that there might be a substantially New Firmware at work - and hence a new SDK is needed from Nikon...

(Although, with the amount of attention put into this "Astro Conversion", one would think they would also recognize that the AP Imaging Community is Highly Dependent upon a Camera's SDK and thence make sure it was Available at Roll-Out...)

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Yeah, thank you for the hint.


I'll download the official release as I'm not allowed to distribute the pre-release.  As soon as I get my D810a next week I should be able to make it work in just a few days.  Fingers crossed.  We are almost there.





I have a D810A and am wondering if it is supported right now?




-Dick Locke

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My D810A is awaiting clearance at Canada customs right now.  I should get it early this week.  I'm hoping to make it work by the end of July, which from experience is very doable.


I'll keep you guys posted for sure.

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Got my D810a yesterday.  Got it to work in BackyardNIKON today.


Please send me an email to support@otelescope.com and I will send you a download link for your to try.


Thank you for your patience.

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hi Guylain,


Thank you very much for your effort. I got a D810A from Nikon Hong Kong office and is ready for test at any moment.


I am going to bring it for an astrophotography trip starting from June 13, would be appreciated if you could get the software updated by then. Many millions thanks for your help!




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