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Camera not connecting to Backyard Nikon



I have been using backyard Nikon Premium for about a year now and had very few issues. Tonight i have been unable to connect to the camera (Nikon D5300) as usual. The connection error I have seen before and is usually resolved by changing the camera battery if low and restarting the camera and application. However, this did not work tonight. I have also tried connection direct to the PC (i.e. not through USB HUB) and tried both ports on the computer. The camera does connect OK via other applications (NINA for example). I also reinstalled the aoplication to no effect.

I also recently moved my windows from 10 to 11 but decided I didn't like it and my mount driver didn't work in windows 11 so I uninstalled and went back to windows 10.......

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Yes, I meant re-install BYN.

This is odd. Any changes to your system recently?  It worked for over a year without issues, and now you get connection issues, it has to be environmental.

What antivirus are you using?  Perhaps try to whitelist the BYN folder (and sub folders) in case it is blocked at that level.

Keep us posted.

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12 hours ago, admin said:

Is the camera still connected to NINA? BYN uses the same Nikon SDK as NINA, SGP, APT, and everything else under the sun.


14 hours ago, astroman133 said:

Does the camera appear in the Windows Device Manager?

Have you tried a different USB cable?

Can you repair Windows 10?


14 hours ago, astroman133 said:

Does the camera appear in the Windows Device Manager?

Have you tried a different USB cable?

Can you repair Windows 10?

yes it's in the device manager, and I have connectivity with the USB cable (i can open the camera in device manager and edit etc), what do you mean repair windows?

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1 hour ago, ballbutt said:



yes it's in the device manager, and I have connectivity with the USB cable (i can open the camera in device manager and edit etc), what do you mean repair windows?

i've ordered a new cable as the pins look a little funny on mine......

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If you can connect NINA to the camera then it is unlikely that the cable is a problem.

I would say that both NINA and BYN cannot connect to the camera at the same time. Have you tried connecting BYN to the camera with NINA completely shutdown?

I don't know what you mean by "i can open the camera in device manager and edit etc". The Windows Device Manager does not "open" a device or allow editing. It just displays devices that Windows has recognized. I get the feeling that you are talking about some other application. To launch it, click on the Windows Start button and type "Device Manager".

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This is the error, the MD3 Nikon SDK is not loading.  Please try to re-install and see if this makes a difference.


2022-02-20 11:59:55,964 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'Connecting'
2022-02-20 11:59:57,216 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(btnCam1 = 'For most models generaly manufactured after 2016, or older models with recent 2016 firmware update (DEFAULT)')
2022-02-20 11:59:58,107 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(buttonPlus29 = 'D5300')
2022-02-20 11:59:58,123 [Main] INFO  - Attempting to connect camera...
2022-02-20 11:59:58,123 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'MaestroChoose'
2022-02-20 11:59:58,123 [Main] DEBUG - Nikon drivers 'Type0011_D5300/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0011_D5300\Type0011.md3' is loading...
2022-02-20 11:59:58,135 [Main] ERROR - Error loading Nikon driver file : 'Type0011_D5300/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0011_D5300\Type0011.md3'
2022-02-20 11:59:58,135 [Main] ERROR - LoadLibrary failed to load MD3 file: C:\Program Files
(x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0011_D5300\Type0011.md3. Download the MD3 file for your device on Nikons SDK website: https://sdk.nikonimaging.com/apply/
2022-02-20 11:59:58,135 [Main] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.Wrapper.NikonMd3..ctor(String md3File, String md3EntryPoint)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.Wrapper.NikonManager..ctor(String md3File, String md3EntryPoint, SynchronizationContext context)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.NikonCameraManager.LoadManagers(String dir)
2022-02-20 12:00:05,674 [Main] INFO  - Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON :)
2022-02-20 12:00:05,690 [Main] INFO  - Camera state changed: 'Disconnected'

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6 minutes ago, admin said:

This is the error, the MD3 Nikon SDK is not loading.  Please try to re-install and see if this makes a difference.


2022-02-20 11:59:55,964 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'Connecting'
2022-02-20 11:59:57,216 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(btnCam1 = 'For most models generaly manufactured after 2016, or older models with recent 2016 firmware update (DEFAULT)')
2022-02-20 11:59:58,107 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(buttonPlus29 = 'D5300')
2022-02-20 11:59:58,123 [Main] INFO  - Attempting to connect camera...
2022-02-20 11:59:58,123 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'MaestroChoose'
2022-02-20 11:59:58,123 [Main] DEBUG - Nikon drivers 'Type0011_D5300/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0011_D5300\Type0011.md3' is loading...
2022-02-20 11:59:58,135 [Main] ERROR - Error loading Nikon driver file : 'Type0011_D5300/C:\Program Files (x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0011_D5300\Type0011.md3'
2022-02-20 11:59:58,135 [Main] ERROR - LoadLibrary failed to load MD3 file: C:\Program Files
(x86)\BackyardNIKONv2.1\Nikon\Type0011_D5300\Type0011.md3. Download the MD3 file for your device on Nikons SDK website: https://sdk.nikonimaging.com/apply/
2022-02-20 11:59:58,135 [Main] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.Wrapper.NikonMd3..ctor(String md3File, String md3EntryPoint)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.Wrapper.NikonManager..ctor(String md3File, String md3EntryPoint, SynchronizationContext context)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.NikonCameraManager.LoadManagers(String dir)
2022-02-20 12:00:05,674 [Main] INFO  - Camera Not Found!  Make sure it's connected to the PC and turned ON :)
2022-02-20 12:00:05,690 [Main] INFO  - Camera state changed: 'Disconnected'

Reinstall what, Backyard Nikon? I have just done that and it has not made any difference

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7 minutes ago, admin said:

Yes, I meant re-install BYN.

This is odd. Any changes to your system recently?  It worked for over a year without issues, and now you get connection issues, it has to be environmental.

What antivirus are you using?  Perhaps try to whitelist the BYN folder (and sub folders) in case it is blocked at that level.

Keep us posted.

The only change recently was going from windows 10 to 11. My telescope mount failed to connect in 11 so i decided to revert back to windows 10 (and it solved that issue).  

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48 minutes ago, ballbutt said:

The only change recently was going from windows 10 to 11. My telescope mount failed to connect in 11 so i decided to revert back to windows 10 (and it solved that issue).  

I have downloaded BYN to a different PC and all working fine now! Just need to figure out what's wrong with my settings on the original PC, thanks for all the support

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1 hour ago, ballbutt said:

I have downloaded BYN to a different PC and all working fine now! Just need to figure out what's wrong with my settings on the original PC, thanks for all the support

It's likely that Directory/File Permissions have gotten messed up.  It's known to happen when performing OS Upgrades/ Downgrades.

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3 hours ago, ballbutt said:

The only change recently was going from windows 10 to 11. My telescope mount failed to connect in 11 so i decided to revert back to windows 10 (and it solved that issue).  

For what it is worth, I run W11 and I do have a D5300 for testing and everything is working.  As mentioned above, most likely a permission of sort.

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