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I see from a recent thread that the Nikon D7000 has been tested with Shoestring Astronomy DSUSB hub.  I have downloaded the DSUSB Checker from Shoestring and I can open, and shut the shutter when the camera is attached to the hub so I know the hub works with the camera.  However, when I try to connect to the camera with BYN and specify DSUSB hub as the connection type the camera does not connect.  When I try to connect with BYN and a USB cable without the hub I can connect.  I bought the hub to take longer than 30-second exposures.  I have tried restarting BYN and the computer to solve the issue with no luck.  Any suggestions?

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You need both the DSUSB cable for bulb shutter control (exposures > 30 seconds) and a second USB cable for reading and writing other camera settings and downloading the images.


This cabling is imposed on some camera models by Nikon and there is nothing that BYN can do about it.

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Help.  I have a D7000 and the DSUSB, I can't plug the rca ( not sure what it is called) plug into my camera.   So, I know I need another cable,  problem is I have no idea what cable.   I am trying to learn how to do astrophotography and would like to use this program.

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Is the one cable that you have, the USB cable that came with the camera?


If so, thiat is a standard USB cable.


The second cable that you need is a DSUSB cable is a special cable that plugs into the remote shutter jack on the camera and into a USB port on the PC.You can find a supplier for that cable by scrolling to the bottom of this page and clicking on the Backyard Nikon Camera Support Grid link at the left side of the page.  This brings up a grid that lists the supported cameras.  Below that grid is a comment about the Shoestring Astronomy DSUSB cable.  Just click on that link to go to the web site of Shoestring Astronomy.

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Well, I have a DSUSB cable and I also have a D7000 and the DSUSB -does- plug into the D7000 body, that I'm 100% positive.


Can you be more specific.  Did you order just the DSUSB?  You also need to order the cable that plugs into the DSUSB box and your D7000.


You also need the DSCBL-15 cable from Shoestring to connect the DSUSB box with the D7000.

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Different models of Nikon DSLRs have different styles of Remote Shutter jacks.


I believe that the D7000 has an 8-pin rectangular connector.


The makers of the DSUSB offer several types of Shutter Cables - including the DSCBL-15.

When you ordered your DSUSB, did you ensure that it had that design of Shutter Cable??  If not, they are also sold separately...

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