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Canon 6d Crashes



I never had this issue until today. I don't believe I did anything different. When I connect the camera to the laptop and run the Canon EOS utility, everything works quite fine. I tested out the live view and video which worked quite fine in the EOS Utility. I closed out the EOS Utility. Opened up Backyard EOS, which is the way I've always done it. Select the "CANON" option in the program start up. Everything loads and then Backyard EOS crashes less than a minute in. At the same time, the back of the 6D blinks 5 times (which indicates to me there's some sort of a communication error). 

I love this program. Curious to what's going on. Anyone ever have this? 

Canon 6d

Backyard EOS 3.2.2

Windows 11

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17 hours ago, wmcgeen1 said:

I think I figured this out. It appears to have been the Canon Webcam Utility. Once I uninstalled, it seems to hold! 

The Canon EOS-Utility program leaves part of itself running in the background - so that it can automatically Open if you happen to attach your DSLR again.  (This blocks BYE from access to the DSLR.)

If EOS-Utility has value for you, you can have it Installed on the PC as long as you go into it's configuration and change the setting that tells it to stay active in the background (not installed on my PC so can't tell you the exact steps).  .

Else, uninstalling is also a Good Solution.

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@admin The Canon Webcam Utility was rolled out to allow DSLRs to interface with Zoom & like video platforms during 2020. I installed it b/c I needed a good camera for my new laptop, which oddly enough, has a camera w quality not far off from one you'd get in like 2003.  So once I uninstalled that program, it held. 

I use EOS Utility (which is a separate program) for help processing some of my regular birding and landscape images. With EOS Utility, once I close it, I typically don't have conflicts with Backyard EOS. 

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