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New to this - some questions...



Hello, and thank you in advance for any support you may be able provide.

- I have only just come across this site. In the longer term I am interested in exploring this software (I am not a very experienced photographer)...

My first basic questions are:

  • Can I programme the camera to capture one image at: 1/4000 second, ev-2, 100 iso/a, f16 every 45 seconds AND in-between these 45 second short captures take a regular- normally exposed- image, say 5 seconds, in Apeture priority.
  • If so over a longer period (say 8 hours) would this totally drain the power supply
  • Sorry if this sounds stupid but does the pc need to be connected to the camera at all time, or is the camera programmed by the pc and can therefore be left in situ...

Many thanks !





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5 answers to this question

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Bullet 1 - No, I don't think so. You can configure the capture plan to take a short 1/4000 second exposure, download it. Then take a 5 second exposure and download it with a programmable Pause, then loop to repeat those same 2 images until you abort the plan. If the Pause is set correctly you should be able to get the Pause set so the the short exposures are about 45 seconds apart. Is that close to what you are wanting to do?

Bullet 2 - The PC does not provide power to the camera so if you can shoot continuously for 8 hours with the camera not connected to the computer and the battery is still viable then it should work with BYN. But my guess is that you would probably need an A/C source to have a capture plan run for that long.

Bullet 3 - Yes,  BYN must be connected to the camera  the entire time. It does not download the capture plan to the camera and then just start it running. It takes one picture at a time. Much of astrophotography is long duration BULB exposures where the the opening and closing of the shutter is controlled by BYN.

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Thank you very much for your answer. 

I'm not sure that this system will work for me. I was looking to programme a DSLR/ mirrorless camera that I could leave alone somewhere for a period of hours. Will probably have to stick with Raspberry Pi operated camera, which unfortunately uses a CCTV lens and with 12 Megapixels images... like this:


Morning Sun





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With the right capture plan, and permanent power, you can definitely leave the camera alone for several hours.

I have used BYE with my Canon T5i with a wide angle lens to take 1100 exposures each of 20 seconds that I assembled into a video of the summer Milky. The camera was on a tracking mount and tracked horizontally as it rose in the southeast and set over the mountains to the southwest.

I set it up in my driveway, started it shooting and went to bed. So I know that it is possible.

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I haven't tried what you're describing, but I would have thought this would be possible using the loop function. 

Normally I set a fixed number of frames for each type of exposure that I'm doing, and then I manually launch each set one at a time in sequence. BYE does allow you to activate more than one set of frames simultaneously, however, in the loop mode. In that case, it captures one frame from set 1, then one frame from set 2, etc. It does this until it has completed one from each currently active set, at which point it loops back and starts over with set 1. The main difference between this and the other mode is that it does not stop looping until you manually tell it to stop; you can't set the total number of frames and have it stop automatically.

In your case, I would think you could define your first set to be the 1/4000 sec exposure and the second set to be the 5 second exposure with a 45 minute pause. 

I know about this only from having read about it in the Users Guide document, so I could be wrong about one or more points. I hope someone with experience using the loop mode will clarify.

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